Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Facebook This

I often wonder if people get tired of my posts on Facebook and Twitter about exercise. I guess they always have the option not to read them or remove me from their friend list. But to be honest I post things like “I’m going for a run”, or accomplishments like “Set a new personal best in the 5km” for very selfish reasons, these posts motivate me! If I post on Facebook that I am going for a run I feel like I’ve just told a two-hundred people my goal and if I don’t accomplish it I’ll be letting them down.  I often think during a tough workout “I have to finish this I posted it on Facebook!”. 

I don’t mean for posts to come off as I’m bragging, though I am proud of a lot of the things I have accomplished, I mean for them to drive me to succeed.  I love seeing a friend’s status say “Off to the gym!” or “Decided to run a 10k!”…you go girl/guy and yell it from the rooftops! I’d much rather see people tooting their own horns on Facebook and Twitter about setting goals than the constant negative status updates about weather, ex-boyfriends, celebrities and day to day malaise.

I do hope that some of my posts are motivating and encourage others to get active but really I use social media to make myself accountable to the dozens of people I haven’t seen since High School but somehow thanks to Facebook seem like we’re all in the same little town again, to the acquaintances I’ve made over the years, to current and former colleagues, and of course to my family. Twitter I use primarily to make asinine comments about people in line at the grocery store…I’m not perfect.

I thank you for motivating me to push a little bit harder and being my virtual cheering section.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Positive Thoughts

It’s 13-weeks until the NYC Marathon and surprisingly training is going well. I ran 32 km (20 miles) on Friday and didn’t start to fall apart until I had 4km to go. That has helped my confidence. Training in the heat this summer has been kicking my ass and I didn’t have a great long run last week as my brain was poaching itself in my skull. 

I get so paranoid that any little ache or pain is going to manifest into a sidelining injury that I am taking rest days, having regular massages and brace yourself…stretching!  Not to jinx myself but if things keep going this way I might actually have a great race. As a chronic over-exerciser this marathon training program might be just what I needed to learn how to set realistic goals. There’s irony for you, what other human would need to train for a marathon to learn how to take rest days?

As physically taxing as all this running is, the hardest part has been the mental game. When you have been running for a couple of hours little thoughts start to creep in, "take a walk break, you can’t run this far, you are going too slow, it’s too hard". Last week I struggled with not caving into these negative thoughts and as a result had some excruciating runs.  My goal for 20 miles, which I had never run before, was to start thinking positively before I even put my sneakers on.  Walking the dog before the run I kept repeating in my head “This is going to be a great run! I can’t wait to start!”…and it worked. I held on to that positive mantra all morning and during my run I was smiling, singing along to my music and loving life…well until 28km when my quads started a boycott, but I slowed down and took a few walk breaks and finished with a big ol’ grin on my face.

Think of all the things we could accomplish if we didn’t give into those doubts? I hear them all the time…I can’t do that I’m not strong enough, I’m too old to take that class. Well I didn’t think I could run 20 miles, and I did.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Instant Gratification

I admit it I have a problem with instant gratification. If I want a Diet Coke, a piece of chocolate, Mexican Food, it doesn't matter, as soon as the craving hits I want it immediately. Some days I can squash the overwhelming urges by distracting myself but some days I'm like a sniffer dog at the airport just waiting for some heroin laden passenger to pounce on so the guy at the end of my leash will give me my squeak toy.

I know there are rational reasons why we crave certain things, dehydration makes us hungry, lack of sleep makes us crave caffeine, sugar and carbohydrates, overeating fats makes us crave more fat and so on and so forth. So how do you break the cycle? I can't always be fully hydrated, well rested and eating a perfectly clean and healthy diet. We only live once! So where do we find the discipline to resist temptation when it knocks on our door?

Admittedly training for a marathon has pushed my appetite into overdrive and running 40+ miles a week has given me an easy excuse of "Oh I have a big run tomorrow I'll burn it off." Based upon my recent consumption of chocolate and baked goods I need to up my mileage to 100+ miles. Thankfully I've gotten back on track with recording my food intake and even if I do crave a little something sweet I've been working it into my daily calories.

I am nothing if not a work in progress, now where did I put those M&M's?

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Leaving Someone in Your Dust

I had an interesting conversation the other day about running a race with a friend and if you should ever leave them in your dust. I've had great races where I have felt fast and light and ran on my own. I've had races where I have struggled with injury and a friend has stuck by me even when I told her to go on without me and I've had races where a friend struggled and I stayed with him until he eventually forced me to leave him behind.  It's a tough call when you have spent weeks training but every race is different and there is no way to tell how you are going to perform on any given day.

I guess the best rule of thumb is to have those conversations before race day. I hate feeling like I am holding someone back and would be absolutely ok being left in their dust. It gets tricky when you haven't discussed it, to show up race day and either be the one slowing you both down or equally frustrating is being the one who feels like they could run a great race but don't want to take off ahead.

Maybe I'm too competitive or just maybe some people don't make finish times their priority. I'd love to just run a race to enjoy it but I know that no matter what I will push myself until I am falling apart at the end. I ran a horrible half-marathon where I was fighting through terrible knee pain and couldn't bend my right leg for the last eight kilometers, race officials asked me if I wanted a ride in, it was -26C and my friend stuck with me. I told her to go on but she didn't...I'm not sure if I could have done the same. She stuck with me for the entire painful race as I refused to quit. Yes I was proud that I finished but I also felt guilty for ruining her race day as well.

Now I am a solitary race runner. I am happy to join friends at the start line and run the first few hundred meters together but then it is every man for him or herself.  If I'm having a great race I'll see you at the finish line, if I'm having a horrible race I'll see you at the finish line because no matter what I'll finish.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Music Monday

It's been awhile since we talked about music. I started teaching spinning classes this winter and am now obsessed with new music. I love creating playlist for my classes, if you are looking for a great tool I use Mix Meister and its awesome.  I'd love to hear what your favorite workout songs are!

Here are my current top 10 (no judgement)
1. We Used to Wait - Arcade Fire
2. Cave - Mumford & Sons
3. My Body - Young the Giant
4. On the Floor - Jennifer Lopez
5. Howlin' For You - Black Keys
6. Hello - Martin Solveig & Dragonette
7. Rolling in the Deep - Adele
8. E.T. - Katy Perry
9. Blow -Ke$ha
10. Barbra Streinsand - Duck Sauce

Friday, May 20, 2011

More insanity

Well I'm three weeks into my "base building" program for the marathon and things are going well. I've been good with taking two rest days a week, which is always a problem for me and having regular massages to loosen up the old gams. Tomorrow I'll head out for a 10 mile run (16km) and I'm looking forward to it. I love all the speed work and interval training but I really enjoy the satisfaction of a nice long run.

I've been continuing on with my CrossFit obsession and am feeling stronger than ever. If you had told me a few years ago that I would enjoy throwing myself on a dirty gym floor to do burpees I would have told you to spark up your crack pipe for another hit. Here are my most recent workouts for your entertainment.

For time:
1,000 meter row
50 squat thrusters (32.5lb barbell)
30 jumping pull-ups
time: 13:12

For time:
400 meter sprint
21 wall balls (12lb ball)
21 burpees

400 meter sprint
15 wall balls (12lb ball)
15 burpees

400 meter sprint
9 wall balls (12lb ball)
9 burpees
time: 13:55

Took the medicine ball in the face on the last workout...oh well it could have been worse, I didn't lose any teeth. 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Running a Marathon!

I beleive I said earlier this year I wasn't going to participate in any races this year and I certainly wasn't going to spend any money on entry fees and traveling to runs outside of the how things have changed.  I got into the New York City Marathon! After three years of putting my name into the lottery I got an email last week saying I was in. It will be my first full marathon and I'm so excited and nervous. I have this revolving emotion of pure joy then a quick slap of nausea...this must be what morning sickness feels like. So out the window goes everything I said about dialing back on the running. I need an intervention.

I have 11 weeks of "base building" before I start my training. I use a three day a week running program which incorporates two very specific cross training sessions as well. It's pretty intense but I used it for one of my half marathons and it was my best race ever. I have 11 weeks to get to the point where 15 miles feels comfortable...right now 7 miles (11km) is pretty easy, 15 miles (24km)  is doable but certainly not comfortable. Wish me luck. After 11 weeks my training bumps up to 16 weeks of the most brutal running I've ever experienced and to be honest running 20 miles (32km) four times before the marathon is freaking me out a bit.

Of course I already have this all on a spreadsheet on the fridge. Tonight is the first run of the training program...a nice slow 8km. I am going to cherish this run because the next one this week is 13km of speed work. Ugh

Brace yourselves folks there are many posts coming of me complaining of aching muscles and perhaps lost toenails. (too much?)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

State of the Union!

Well I must apologize again readers, its has been so crazy!

I mentioned last week I was adjusting my fitness program for the next 15 weeks, cutting carbs to 50%, jacking up the cardio and crossfit sessions. Well 10 days in folks things are on track and I'm down 3lbs. I can feel the lack of carbs when I go for a run but thankfully before I have to start my marathon training I will be able to bump them back up to 65%. Crossfit multiple times a week is pretty intense but I love it. Below are my last two workouts for your amusement.

50 air squats
50 push-ups
50 sit-ups
50 burpees
50 squat thrusters (12lb dumbells)

32.5lb bar bell, 26lb kettle bell
12 minutes maximum number of rounds as possible, start with 3 reps of each and add three each time
ie. 3 sumo squat high-pulls/3 kettlebell swings, then 6/6, 9/9, 12/12...
I made it to 24 reps of each in 12 minutes which was a total of 108 of each exercise. KILLER

I followed the last one up with a 45 minute run on the treadmill which after 108 sumo squat high-pulls my legs felt like petrified wood.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Progress Report

Sorry I've been absent for's been so busy this week I haven't had a spare moment. But here I am and I'm happy to report that I am on track with my new program, I haven't slipped into my usual stress eating mode and things are looking good.  woohoo

My new program:
15 weeks
1800 calories daily
50% carbs, 30% protein and 20% fat
60 mins of cardio 5 days a week
3 Crossfit sessions
1 hot yoga class

I will admit I've had to give up the vegan diet, a la Natalie Portman, I was having a hard time meeting my daily protein requirements without dairy. Sad I know but I'm sure I'll go back to a vegan diet after this is over...I'm still not eating animals or eggs! I wanted to stress that cutting your carbs to 50% is not recommended for everyone. I am basing this on a one on one conversation I had with a sport nutritionist about my goal to build muscle mass and cut body fat. Anytime you significantly adjust your diet whether its adjusting the carb/protein/fat ratio or eliminating a food group you should talk to a dietitian or a nutritionist.

I got an ipad and am using the SparkPeople app to track my food and exercise, it is amazing. I'm nearing the end of week one and am down 2.5lbs, tonight I get my measurements and body fat calculated by my trainer. Is it still considered immature to put your fingers in your ears and sing "lalallalalal"?

I have to go eat something....

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Setting a New Goal!

I had an awesome workout with my Crossfit Trainer today. (details below) Afterward we discussed a new goal for the next 15 weeks and I can't wait. I love the motivation that comes with a training program and this one is going to be a doozy but hopefully the results will be awesome.

I'll be upping my daily calories to 1800, cutting my carbs to 50% and adjusting my workouts to 60 minutes of cardio five days a week, 3 Crossfit sessions and one yoga session. This week we'll do before and after pics, measurements and track it on a weekly basis. My goal is to drop 15lbs and get down to less than 18% body fat. Woohoo! It's going to be a lot of hard work but you know me, I like a challenge.

Today's Menu
toast with natural peanut butter
450 calories

Vegan sesame seed sandwich
550 calories

protein shake
180 calories

veggie patty burger
large salad
500 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1680

Crossfit - 23 mins
Run - 30 mins
Calories burned: 525

My Crossfit workout:
7 rounds - 23 minutes
10 reps overhead press (12 lb dumbells)
10 push-ups (chest to floor)
10 box jump burpees

I was so bagged after this I had to have a two hour nap!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

My Day - April 21

It's a long weekend and I couldn't be more excited. It's been so busy at work lately I'm looking forward to a couple of days of relaxing and spending time with family. I'm sure there will be some chocolate easter bunnies in my future but I've got a few extra workouts schedules which will hopefully balance out the extra calories.

Today's Menu
1-1/4C Vector cereal
1C strawberries/blackberries
1C almond milk
300 calories

open face veg sandwich
400 calories

granola bar
mini eggs
1C pineapple
550 calories

slice of veg pizza
500 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1750

Rest Day

Taking the Plunge

Well I finally bit the bullet and did it, after months and months of soul searching, I quit my job. For over a year I've know that I wanted to focus more of my energy on the fitness industry but somehow not throw away over a decade of experience in advertising. It was a difficult decision and walking away from a full-time pay-cheque in hopes that a part-time job, personal training and spinning will make up the balance is unnerving, but one that I felt I needed to make for my own happiness.

We start our careers in our 20's full of energy and ambition and by our mid-thirties we're different people. We have families, new priorities and let's be honest, less energy. I have been with a same small company for ten years, I love my co-workers like siblings. Some days we are like a big family sitting around laughing at the dinner table and other days we're two sisters fighting over who wore who's sweater. Believe me I am well aware that I can be as frustrating to work with as the next person but I know I'm going to miss those folks. We spend more time with the people we work with than our families so its inevitable that you create lasting friendships and meet people that change your path in life.

It feels like a weight has been lifted from my shoulders. The stress I have felt over the past few months has all come to a head. Not only working six days a week building up my personal training hours, taking courses etc but also the stress of knowing I was making a huge decision that would change everything about what I thought was my desired career path. It's not fair to anyone to stay where you know you aren't truly motivated to do your best. Negativity and pessimism breed like wildfire in a place where people stay for a guaranteed pay cheque but have lost the passion for the work. I'm lucky that I have the support of my husband to start something new from scratch and see how it goes.

It's a new day and I feel like there are endless possibilities available to me. Grab the bull by the horns folks cause you only get one go around in this rodeo.  (ok I think I went to far with that one)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Day - April 20

Another rainy day here and so far Diet Coke free!!

Today's Menu:
vegan smoothie
350 calories

Vegetable soup
granola bar
440 calories

1C pineapple
1C strawberries
1C cheerios
granola bar
375 calories

vegan margarita pizza on whole wheat pita with soy cheese
salad with beans
500 calories

Today's Total Calories:     1665
Rest Day

My Day - April 19

I went for an awesome run tonight. It was one of those runs where you feel light and fast and it reminds you why you love running. One thing I didn't like was how my shorts kept rolling down under my belly! I have been really good with watching my calories and exercise but the scale hasn't budged in weeks! I think I need to refocus and cut out the processed and packaged food. The quick convenient foods and not to mention Dt Coke have been a part of my diet too much lately and that is not going to help me lose those last few pounds! So far this week I've stuck to my rule of only eating food I make at home, it's Tuesday so I'm doing well. Lol So the rest of the week no Dt Coke! If you see me with a can feel free to chastise me publicly, I need an intervention.

Today's Menu
1-1/4 C Vector cereal
1C almond milk
375 calories

1C beans
Faux chicken nuggets
nacho chips
575 calories

Granola bar
Protein bar
570 calories

Toasted tomato sandwich
275 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1795

9.46km run - 56:12 (5:57 min/km)
Calories burned: 600

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My Day - April 18


Today's Menu
Vegan Protein Smoothie
350 Calories

Veg soup
400 calories

granola bar
protein bar
450 calories

kidney, chick and black beans
nacho chips
450 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1650

Rest Day

Sunday, April 17, 2011

My Day - April 17

A busy day again, I spent the afternoon with personal training clients and then taught a two-hour spin class.  I am pooped but it was a fun day. I didn't take any lunch with me so I ended up having snacks for lunch. Not the best.

Today's Menu
1-1/4C Vector Cereal
1C almond milk
1 banana
350 calories

Luna Bar
180 calories

Mini Eggs
granola bar
500 calories

Greek salad
3 bean tacos
600 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1630

2Hr Spinning Class
Calories Burned: 750

I probably should have eaten a bit more today. I need to be better when I burn a ton of calories to be sure to eat enough to help repair my muscles and give me fuel for the rest of the day.

My Day - April 16

Yeah its the weekend! I had a busy day today but managed to get in a  killer Crossfit workout. I've decided next week I'm not eating out, not even once. It's too easy to pick up a little something for supper when I am out walking the dog. And even though I am making healthy choices its expensive and I have to guess at the calorie next week its all home cooked meals.

Today's Menu
1/2 Vegan Smoothie
175 calories

vegan fajitas
450 calories

granola bar
500 calories

Vegetable Pizza
700 calories

Today's Total: 1825

Calories Burned 150

Today's Crossfit workout:
30 second rounds of as many burpee thrusters (with 12lb dumbells) as possible with alternating 30 seconds of skipping until you completed 100 burpee thursters
Time:  14:31

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My Day - April 15

This cold is starting to get better so I can't think of anything better to do than get out for a run!

Today's Menu
Vegan Smoothie
350 calories

tomato sandwich
550 calories

Lara Bar
180 calories

Vegan fajitas
600 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1680

8.36km Run (50:31 mins - 5:59km per min pace)
Calories Burned: 545

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Day - April 14

This cold is driving me insane! Anyway I haven't been able to workout for three days, tomorrow I'm going for a run even if I do cough the entire way. My diet today was horrendous, I've lost my appetite so essentially just ate snack foods.

Today's Menu
Vegan Smoothie
350 calories

toast with soy butter
granola bar
350 calories

M&M's (yes again!)
600 calories

200 calories

Today's Total: 1450 calories of terrible food.

Rest Day

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Day - April 13

Agh this cold won't leave! Three nights in a row of only a couple hours of sleep. I obviously need to find better drugs.

Today's Menu
Vegan Smoothie
350 calories

Sesame seed pate sandwich
400 calories

1C pineapple
M&M's (feel free to judge)
450 calories

Veg sushi
350 calories

Today's Total: 1550

Rest Day


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Day - April 12

I don't think there is anything worse than a spring cold. It was so beautiful yesterday but all I wanted to do was crawl under a blanket with a box of kleenex.  On a high note I'm so stuffed up I can't really taste anything so my sweet tooth has left the building. woohoo!

Today's Menu
400 calories

toasted tomato sandwich
vegetable soup
375 calories

1C pineapple
400 calories

6" veggie Subway sub
sun chips
430 calories

Today's Total Calories:  1605

Rest Day

My Day - April 11

Happy Monday! What an awful night of sleep. I'm fighting a cold so I was awake most of the night, then with thunder storms and my husband coughing the alarm went off way to early. I'll have to see if I can squeeze in a nap before I teach spinning tonight.

Today's Menu
Vegan Smoothie
350 Calories

toasted tomato sandwich
vegetable soup
375 calories

granola bar
500 calories

2 slices ww toast with natural peanut butter
1 banana
400 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1625

Spinning (60 mins)
Calories Burned: 425

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My Day - April 10

I spent the morning with my Personal Training clients today which is always a lot of fun and beats sitting at a desk any day! After a crazy workout day yesterday today I get to I come couch.

Today's Menu
Protein Shake
400 calories

Bulgar Salad
granola bar
400 calories

mini eggs
1C pineapple
280 calories

vegan pizza on ww pita
greek salad
450 calories

Total Calories: 1530

Spinning (45 mins)
Calories burned: 350

My legs were spent today, you know you need a rest when 5 minutes into a spinning class you have sweat pouring down your arms. I'm looking forward to a long soak in the tub tonight, I am so sore it was painful to chop vegetables.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My Day - April 9

What an awesome day!  This is my favorite kind of day, jam packed with exercise and enjoying the outdoors. I know I'm going to be bagged tomorrow but I am a-okay with that.  One huge benefit of exercising my ass off today is I can comfortably eat a few hundred extra calories and leave the guilt at the door. The trick is to not eat all of them just enough to refuel my body.

Today's Menu
Vegan Smoothie
350 Calories

Sunflower seed pate sandwich
400 calories

1C Vector cereal
1C almond milk
650 calories

Vegan fajitas
550 calories

Total Calories:  1950 calories

10km bike ride
hot yoga (60 min)
Crossfit (30 min)
Total Calories Burned:  950

I was bagged by the end of Crossfit and am sure I'll be in bed early tonight. Two hours and forty-five minutes of exercise will do that to you....that doesn't include walking the dog. Thankfully my husband got home from hockey so I didn't have to bike to Crossfit, a 50km bike ride on top of this may have actually killed me.

Today's Crossfit Workout
8 rounds
100 meter sprint
21 kettlebell swings (26lb)
15 squat thrusters (24lbs)
9 x 3.5 foot box jump
30 minutes total....killer. Go swing a kettlebell 168 times, squat and overhead press 24lbs 120 times and jumping higher than half your height is damn near impossible...I am toast but man do I love Crossfit!  :)

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Day - April 8

Another beautiful sunny day! I'm taking a rest day today as I already have three workouts on the books for tomorrow and depending on my husband's hockey schedule I may have to add in a 50+km bike ride to the mix. Yowza! On a positive note I seem to have a better handle on my calories this week but I still need to work on the Diet Coke consumption...ugh

Today's Menu
1-1/4 C Vector cereal
1C almond milk
1 banana
355 calories

3 Ryvita crackers with tomato and basil
2 Ryvita crackers with peanut butter
350 calories

1C steamed soy milk
200 calories

veggie sushi
400 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1305

Rest Day

A little low on calories I never say that! A great day overall. :) And before I get any manic emails about crackers for lunch, Ryvita crackers are big and three are the equivalent to a slice of bread.

Tips and Tricks

I attended a fitness conference last week and I learned so many new things that I wanted to share a little cheat sheet with you. If you are like me and you are always trying to figure out how many calories you should eat and how many calories you are burning, below are a few simple formulas.

Daily Calories Required:
Current weight x 15 - 500 = Daily required calories to lose 1 lb per week
ie. 150lbs x 15 - 500 = 1750 calories

Calories Burned:
I like to know how many calories I burn per minute. The less you weigh the fewer calories you burn, the more you weigh the more calories you burn per minute. Below is a scale based upon a 150lb adult which you can easily adjust up or down based upon your current weight.

At Rest - 1 calorie burned per minute
Strength Training - 3 calories per minute
Yoga - 3 calories per minute
Walking - 5 calories per minute
Kickboxing - 7 calories per minute
Running - 10 calories per minute
Skipping - 12 calories per minute

What Contributes to Burning Calories?
We all know muscle burns more calories than fat so we should all work towards a lower body fat percentage. But surprisingly our organs burn the most calories for us. Your body needs calories to function and here is a list of how those calories are allocated.

Liver - uses 21% of your daily calories
Brain - uses 20% of your daily calories
Kidneys - use 8% of your daily calories
Heart - uses 9% of your daily calories
Muscle - uses 22% of your daily calories
Fat - uses 4% of your daily calories
Everything else like your skin, intestines etc use 16% of your daily calories

As you can see your liver, kidneys and brain use almost 50% of your calories. When you severely restrict calories its not the fat in your body shrinking its your organ and brain function decreasing.  Go have breakfast!

My Day - April 7

Well it's another sunny day and it is finally starting to feel like spring. I had a killer kickboxing class last night and it was just what I needed. Sometimes you need to have your ass handed to you in order to break yourself out of a funk.

Today's Menu
1C oatmeal with raisins and walnuts
1 small banana
425 calories

Vegan chili burrito
1C carrot sticks
375 calories

1C Cheerios
mini eggs
600 calories

large salad with kidney beans
250 calories

Today's Total Calories:  1650

6.12 km run (38 mins)
Total Calories Burned: 680

Damn those mini eggs, but they were worth it! Good thing I did two workouts today. lol

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My Day - April 6

Well so far today has been much better. The sun is out and I feel like my energy is coming back. I need to focus on making the right food choices at every turn. Oh why oh why are there so many temptations? Ok 1500 calories a day...focus focus focus!

Today's Menu
Vegan protein shake
350 calories

1C veggie chili
nacho chips
475 calories

granola bar
400 calories

toast with sugar free jam
300 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1525

Today's Workouts:
Calories burned: 300

Yeah a great day with a tough workout!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

My Day - April 5

Today is one of those day's that I'd rather people didn't see what I ate but I'll post it. It was a sad day as we attended a funeral and I just simply spun off the wagon after.  Tomorrow will be better.

Today's Menu
Vegan fruit smoothie
350 calories

Vegan sandwich
banana loaf
2 cookies
1200 calories

veg wrap
1C pineapple
350 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1900

Today's Workout:
nothing again...

I'm going to have to buckle down for the next few days to undo some of the damage I've done emotionally eating for the last week.

My Day - April 4

Another crazy day. The diet is slipping as work/life gets out of control. Ugh

Today's Menu
1-1/4C Vector
1C almond milk
1 banana
355 calories

tomato sandwich
vegetable soup
440 calories

granola bar
1C pineapple
chocolate covered almonds
500 calories

veg sushi
400 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1695

Today's Workout: Rest Day

Monday, April 4, 2011

My Day - April 3

I had planned to do a long run today but was so tired from a stressful week I just didn't have the energy. Thankfully I stayed on track with my calories and was thankful for a restful day.

Today's Menu
2C Vector cereal
1C almond milk
1 banana
350 calories

Tomato sandwich with soy cheese
300 calories

1C pineapple
granola bar
475 calories

Veggie burger
roasted veggies
500 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1625

Today's Workout:  Rest Day

25 Things You Don't Know About Me!

Here's some interesting and not so interesting things about me, perhaps giving you a little more insight into my wackado personality.

1. I moved 30 times in 31 years.
2. I have lived in five of the ten Canadian provinces.
3. I have visited 25 of the 50 US states
4. I once met Bill Clinton and he was awesome
5. I love all things spicy.
6. I didn't own a cell phone until 2007
7. I have a dog named Blueberry
8. I think Bruce Springsteen puts on the best live show
9. I have an addiction to Sex and the City
10. I only watch reality TV and Modern Family (and reruns of Sex and the City)
11. I love to travel
12. I'd like to write a novel
13. My favorite way to relax is with a good book
14. I am deathly afraid of spiders
15. All the clothes in my closet are organized by colour and style
16. Driving across the plains of South Dakota at sunset is life changing
17. I eloped to NYC
18. My favorite album is AC/DC's Back in Black
19. I am chronically late with birthday cards and gifts
20. I am always punctual for appointments
21. My dream trip would be a month spent in Greece and Italy
22. I am allergic to shellfish and penicillin
23. I have driven across Canada once and across the US twice
24. Pizza is my favorite food
25. My perfect day would include hours of exercising followed by hours at the spa

Saturday, April 2, 2011

My Day - April 2

I spent a great day today at a YMCA Fitness Conference. I love learning new things about fitness and nutrition. I was surprised to see the boxed lunch contained a bag of chips! I passed and ate the apple. One small step...
I'm looking forward to a quiet night tonight, I'll be up at 6am to run 16km. I love a Sunday morning long run!

Today's Menu
3/4C Vector cereal
1/2 almond milk
1 slice toast with natural peanut butter
275 calories

slice of banana bread
granola bar
450 calories

slice of veggie pizza
300 calories

large salad
veggie sandwich
450 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1475

Today's Workout
Speed drills in a workshop at the was awesome!  200 calories

My Day - April 1

Today was not a good day. Work is so busy that I am using stress as an excuse to fill my diet with sugar. Time to buckle down and make better choices. On a happier note I was supposed to weigh myself today, in my attempt to control my manic relationship with the scale I'm only weighing myself on the first and fifteenth of every month, and I completely forgot. It wasn't like I was even avoiding the scale because I felt fat, I just simply forgot. What a nice feeling. The past couple of days I've been letting the diet slide so I'll weigh in tomorrow just to make sure over the past two weeks a couple of bad choices hasn't set me off course.

Today's Menu

1-1/4C Vector cereal
1C strawberries
1C almond milk
2 Girl Guide Cookies
405 calories

vegan sandwich
750 calories

jelly beans
50 calories

nacho chips
granola bar
500 calories

Today's Calories: 1705

Rest Day

Friday, April 1, 2011

My Day - March 31

I decided to get up before the birds today and hit the yoga studio. It nice to start the morning with some hot yoga to stretch out those sore muscles and take sometime for myself before the stress of another work day begins. Sometimes I needs to remember to dial back the cardio intensity and spend more time working on balance, strength and flexibility. So then I got home and went for a run....errrr.

Today's Menu
Vegan Smoothie
350 Calories

Toasted tomato sandwich with soy cheese
1C vegetable soup
granola bar
555 calories

spelt cookie
350 calories

veg sushi
vegan brownie
650 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1905

Today's Workouts:
60 minute Moksha Flow Yoga class
4 km run (28 minutes, the dog had to pee)
Calories Burned: 475

A little over my calories today, work has been a bit out of control so I've been stress eating, I need to work on that.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Day - March 30

I've been doing much better with my diet the past week but I need to get more sleep. After a number of restless nights I can really feel myself looking for artificial stimulants like sugar and caffeine. I must resist the temptation but must admit I caved today and had a treat! I need to work on increasing my intake of veggies...only three servings today.

Today's Menu
1-1/4 C Vector cereal
1 banana
1C Almond milk
355 calories

vegan sesame seed pate sandwich
vegan brownie
750 calories

protein bar
380 calories

veggie wrap
225 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1710

Today's Workout:
Calories Burned:  250

I pretty much ate all the calories I burned today but that's okay, sometimes you need a neutral intake day. Here is my crossfit workout, completed for time, no rest, no dropping the bar.

500 meter row
21 sumo squat high pulls (39.2 lb barbell)
21 cleans (34.7lb barbell)
21 overhead press (34.7lb barbell)
250 meter row
21 sumo squat high pulls (34.7 lb barbell)
21 cleans (34.7lb barbell)
21 overhead press (34.7lb barbell)
500 meter row
21 sumo squat high pulls (34.7 lb barbell)
21 cleans (34.7lb barbell)
21 overhead press (34.7lb barbell)

time: 17:25

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

My Day - March 29

I was craving the carbs today, probably due to the fact I was a bit dehydrated. I need to work on getting up from my desk more often and filling my water class. 

Today's Menu
Vegan Smoothie
350 calories

Whole wheat toast with sugar free jam
Vegan Thai soup
granola bar
580 calories

protein bar
1C cantaloupe
granola bar
425 calories

vegan sushi
450 calories 

Today's Total Calories: 1805

Today's Workouts:
8km run (49:48)
Calories Burned: 745

A little light on the veggies but overall on track for calories based upon my workout. Until tomorrow. 

I don't recall asking for your opinion!

It's funny how commenting on people's appearance is considered socially acceptable, whether the comment is positive or negative. Believe me we all do it. Who hasn't seen a picture of someone they haven't seen for a while on Facebook and said "Oh, she's gained a few pounds." We even make comments to each other about our bodies which are not always appropriate. "I look fat!", "You look like you've lost a few pounds.", "Ugh I hate my thighs". Have you ever tried to go a single hour without allowing a negative thought about yourself or someone else enter your mind? Try it...I think people are either positive and negative in nature and for someone who thinks of themselves negatively may find it easier to think and say nice things about others.

We practice savasna in yoga, also know as "corpse pose", the intent is to lay perfectly still while beads of sweat pour down your face at the end of class and just let it happen, to just push thoughts aside as they come into your mind. It's one on the more difficult poses for people who are fidgety, I'm not but a bead of sweat rolling down my face drives me insane. Over the past few years I've learned to not move a muscle, I can lay there in complete stillness as an itch creeps across my nose or a sore muscle starts to ache, I have trained my body to obey. I have yet to master the ability to master my thoughts. Paula our yoga instructor once described our minds as an excited puppy, and it was so appropriate. The goal is to not stop thinking but to acknowledge the thoughts as they occur and gently push them aside. As I lay on the mat in savasana I usually have negative thoughts of how I performed in class, what the rest of the day has in store for me, how my ass is falling asleep. I try to embrace the practice of savasana throughout my day as negative thoughts enter my mind but who doesn't love a good bitch session with a friend or reading a trashy celebrity magazine?

My intention is to spend more time embracing positive thoughts when they come to me and acknowledging the negative thoughts but pushing them aside. Positivity breeds positivity and I think we could all use a little bit more of that in our lives.

Pollyanna signing off!

Monday, March 28, 2011

My Day - March 28

I have to say posting my daily diet and exercise on this blog is very motivating...anytime I think "Oh I could have a treat." I stop cold knowing everyone will see exactly what I'm eating. Not to worry the odd brownie will appear but hopefully rarely.

Today's Menu
1-1/4 C Vector cereal
1C almond milk
1 banana
355 calories

toasted tomato sandwich with soy cheese
cucumber slices
vegan thai soup
550 calories

1C cantaloupe
1 granola bar
220 calories

large salad with 1C kidney beans, 1/4C guacamole & 1C salsa
400 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1525

Today's Workout:  
Rest Day!

This was nutritionally a great day, I ate three servings of fruit, over seven servings of vegetables and ate protein with every meal. I got to take a day off and give my muscles a rest after that long cold run yesterday. Until tomorrow folks!

It's Sugar Free Day!!

It's funny how we seem to be categorized as either "sweet" or "salty" people. My husband loves salty treats like chips and nuts, I can leave a bag of chips for weeks, they don't interest me, I am definitely in the "sweet" category. Just don't hug me. If you put a chocolate brownie or cupcake in front of me I'm salivating on my shoes. I saw this segment on Dr. Oz once where he said it had something to do with how our taste-buds are organized on our tongue. Since I can't reorganize my taste-buds I try to limit my exposure to sweet treats as much as possible. But it is soooo hard.

It is so much easier to avoid the sweets once you go a few days without. It's like quitting smoking, the craving is always there but it gets easier everyday. Maybe I'll start smoking again and see if that helps with my sweet cravings, KIDDING! I need to get my sweet tooth, or according to Dr. OZ my sweet tongue under control. So I declare today, March 28 sugar free day! Here's hoping it starts a trend.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

My Day - March 27

Well it was another beautiful day here...but cold! Where is spring? My legs are so sore from my insane triad of intense workouts yesterday but I managed to finish my scheduled run on legs that felt like stumps. Tonight I will have to spend some time soaking in Epsom salts, stretching and applying cream to my windburned face. It's a good thing red is my colour.

Today's Menu
1-1/4 C Vector Cereal
1C Almond Milk
1 C Strawberries
300 calories

Luna Bar
180 calories
Sports Gel (eaten on my run)
120 calories

Vegan Sesame Seed Pate Sandwich (I am addicted)
1C pineapple
1 granola bar
795 calories

Nacho Chips & Salsa
250 calories

Vegan Thai Soup
300 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1945

Today's Workout
14.16 km run 1 hour 31minutes
Calories burned: Approximately 1400

A pretty good day overall, I was a little over on the calories but that's ok. I should have eaten more before my run, I was so hungry when I got home I hoovered in anything I could get my hands on...hense the 795 calorie lunch. Better planning is required for sure!

Saturday, March 26, 2011

My Day - March 26

So I've decided to post my daily food intake and exercise on this blog as a way to keep myself in check. I'm an all or nothing kind of gal. Ideally I should eat about 1800 calories a day based upon my activity level, 1500 on light-activity days to lose roughly one pound a week. Let the games begin!

Today's Menu
Breakfast: Vegan Smoothie
350 calories

Vegan Sesame Seed Pate Sandwich
cucumber slices and carrots
500 calories

Whole Wheat Pita
2 tbsp hummus
1C strawberries
1C pineapple
1 lara bar
1 granola bar
1/2 bag microwave popcorn
800 calories

Toasted tomato sandwich with soy cheese
350 calories

Today's total calories: 2000

Today's Workouts
6km run (34 minutes)
Kickboxing (45 minutes)
Crossfit (21 minutes)

Calories burned: approximately 900

Woohoo a good day! A couple hundred extra calories were needed to get me through those intense workouts. For those who are curious my Crossfit workout today was:

For time:
1 mile run
10 box jumps
20 squat thrusters (12lb dumbbells in each hand)
30 squat cleans (12 lb dumbbells in each hand)
40 kettlebell swings (26lb kettlebell)
50 push-ups
60 sit-ups
70 squats (to 90 degrees)

time: 21:26  killer!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Raising the bar, and surprisingly not a chocolate bar.

I've come to realize over the past few weeks that I need to raise my game. I'm chillaxing on the manic workouts, the diet could use a little work and I'm drowning myself in Diet Coke! Fack!  Time to get it under control! That is a lot of exclamation points.

So I put a new schedule on the fridge, its a bit more forgiving than my last but I am a person who needs to be working towards a goal. I've signed up for a 10km in May which is no big deal and just for fun, I ran 10km the other day with no problems. I'm also training for a half marathon in May, though I may not actually travel to Nova Scotia to run it, I'll run it here in spirit. (trying to cut back on travel expenses). The problem with another half-marathon is I'm not worried about the distance, I've run 20+ kilometers dozens of times. If you told me I had to run 21km tomorrow I could do it, so I'm not feeling motivated to train my hardest.

So in an attempt to kick start myself I've thrown my name in the ring for the New York City Marathon again, after three entries into the race lottery you get automatic entry. I can't remember if this is the third or forth time I've entered the lottery. So fingers crossed in November I'll be running a full marathon! I've decided even if I don't get in this year I will run one here in Ontario. Now I get to put together a training program, my favorite thing to do!

I have three months before I'd really need to start training so I need to find something to get me going between now and then. If I don't, I know I'll wake up in June 10lbs heavier and kicking myself in the ass.  I've looked into boxing but I'm really trying to cut back on gym fees.  I'm tired of working my ass off for a weight-loss goal but I'm having trouble finding that happy middle ground.

Maybe I should post my daily workouts and diet on this blog...that would keep me accountable! But probably boring to read. I'd love some feedback! Look another exclamation point, I'm staring to type like a cheerleader.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Fever

It's that time of year when things are starting to melt, the sun is starting to feel warm on our skin and you don't have to put on four layers to go outside, this is also the time I start to get the itch to start training for a race. It was so nice yesterday I ran in shorts! I run all winter, even at -28C this year, and I feel a great sense of accomplishment when I get back from those cold runs but there is something about spring that puts a little extra spring in my step.

In my ongoing pursuit to find balance I am trying to juggle all my workouts into some sort of feasible schedule. If I decide to do a half-marathon in May I'll need to run three days a week, my base fitness is good so I'm not to concerned about the actual training runs but I still need to log some miles if I want a good finish time. Did I also mention I'm addicted to Crossfit? What a rush! I'd like to do it a couple of times a week, and of course there is my beloved yoga which I should do at least twice a week to maintain my flexibility and keep my body limber for running. I've decided I'm going to take a break from kickboxing, as much as I love it I've done it three to four times a week for over three years, I need a rest.  So again I have a dilemma, three runs, two Crossfit, two yoga classes equals seven workouts a week....did I mention I also teach spinning?

So many things I love to do so little time. I'm pretty lucky that I have all this time to devote to fitness so I shouldn't complain. Looks like I'll have to do a new schedule for the fridge, if for nothing else than to schedule rest days! Repeat after me, balance, balance, balance.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A Joyful Breakup?

Well I've done it....I've kicked my daily, sometimes twice, thrice daily, weigh-ins to the curb!  Studies show that people who weigh themselves frequently are more successful at weight-loss, and the recommended frequency is weekly. I can't manage weekly, it still drives me crazy so I'm going to attempt to weigh myself twice a month on the first and the fifteenth. That's it!

I get in these manic states about my weight and start exercising like a fiend until I can't function. I stress about my diet and journal every morsel and as soon as I eat one thing I've deemed as "bad" I go completely off the rails and for days eat all the "bad" things I've banned from my diet...thus resulting in inevitable weight gain. Oh we are crazy little creatures.  So I've decided not to track my calories for awhile, I'm sure I'll mentally track my food but I'm taking a break. No sitting up a night with the calculator figuring out how much I can eat the next day based upon how much exercise I do. I'm going to try to relax the reins, see what its like to live like someone who doesn't have food and body issues. Hopefully I'll be able to settle into a healthy pattern, maybe I'll drop a few pounds, maybe I won't. Maybe I'll learn what it is I need to focus on with my diet and maybe just maybe I'll learn to stop this cycle.

Aren't we all just works in progress? Wish me luck friends this is a new journey for me...I'll send a postcard.

Monday, March 14, 2011

On the Cover of the Rolling Stone..well not quite!

The March issue of SELF is on stands and my little feature is on page 24. I was so nervous about the final result as you have no control over the content, layout or tone of the article. After talking with several researchers and providing multiple photos it was nice to open it and not see a giant ink splot across my face a la Charlotte's engagement photo in the New York Times.  I don't think I could have provided a more unflattering "before" picture and knowing 6.5 million people are going to see it is a bit traumatizing.

The only thing I wish was different in the article was the use of the word "fat". It's true that I really focused my attention on losing weight when I had to start shopping in plus-size stores but I never said "I was tired of feeling fat." I hate the "f" word, the three letter one...believe me I love the four letter "f" word.  It's not that I'm in denial, I was fat, technically morbidly obese, but I think the word "fat" sounds angry and judgmental. I like to make jokes that I was a "big girl" or "heavy" and sure I was fat but its a label that I think is hurtful. Medically you are overweight, obese or morbidly obese, a doctor would never call you fat. Even fat is technically edipose tissue, doesn't that sound better?

It's a minor thing but it jumped out at me. I guess I'm still sensitive about it.  If you had a chance to pick up a copy I hope you enjoyed it. Thanks for reading, I think before and after pictures are so inspiring whether you know the person in them or not.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Whoop there it is!

Well well well what a difference a few days makes. I have found my mojo! There is nothing like the feeling of kicking ass during a really tough workout to give you a shot of adrenaline and kick start your motivation.  I'm feeling good, I feel like I have a handle on the overeating and am back to fighting form. What a relief! I hate that feeling of waning, it doesn't happen often to me but when it does I go completely off the rails.

As miserable as I felt last week when my motivation to eat properly and exercise were at their lowest in years I relied on a few tricks to get me back on track.

- Even when I knew I was going to fluff my way through a workout I went anyway. I know sometimes it takes a few to get me rollin' again but I always feel a little bit better just getting off the couch.

- Think about the reasons why you are lagging in motivation, I realized it was a combination of jet-lag, post vacation let down and over-training so I cut myself some slack. Realizing it would pass was like getting a hall pass from the guilt fairy.

- Pick up some reading material. I love fitness magazines and the new issue of Runner's World is all about spring training and how to lose those winter pounds with running. It was just what I needed to read to get myself thinking about spring, fitness and getting back out on the road. After running in Hawaii I had lost all desire to pile on the layers and run through snowbanks, but now the urge to log some miles is back!

- Evaluate what you've been doing. My goal for 2011 is to chillax. I need to be more efficient with my time  away from home and get the most out of my workouts. I don't want to spend 10+ hours a week exercising anymore. I am taking two rest days a week and am cutting back to 6 hours a week. That may still seem like a lot to some but for me it is a huge shift in priorities.

So I'm back in the saddle my friends and it feels great! Crossfit this weekend is gonna rock! I think I'll go for a run on Sunday and who knows perhaps it will feel like spring. Rock on my fellow fitness freaks!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Ho Hum

Is it just me or do you feel like you are waiting for something to happen? It's that time of year when the snow is starting to melt but a snow storm can still happen at any time, I feel in limbo. I'm not running a spring race this year, as my IT Band has decided to make itself known again, so as I rest up and lay off the long distance runs I'm mixing up my workouts but I just don't seem to have any drive, no get up and go, alas there appears to be a hitch in my giddy-up!

What do you do to kick yourself in the ass? I've had almost three weeks off of serious training so I doubt I'm over-trained anymore, perhaps I've grown bored of my regular routine, dare I say perhaps I've lost that lovin' feeling for working out? NO that's not true! I'm going to turn 36 in a few days, maybe I'm feeling time ticking by, maybe I'm in a funk. Who knows.

One thing I do know is that I have spent the last 20 years focused on my weight and man I am tired of it. Sure I've made some great accomplishments and lost a huge amount of weight, but when do I get to relax? I don't think I'll ever completely be able to let it all go and not be focused on food. Part of the reason I've always developed very difficult training programs for myself is it allows me to take some of the focus off food and put it on exercise and I can adjust my diet around my training requirements. ie if I am training for a long distance race I can up my intake of carbs, I can eat more calories on long training days etc. Right now I'm not training for anything and I feel like I'm flailing. I can't get a handle on my diet and I'm lacking the motivation to ramp up my workouts.

If anyone out there has a spare can of whoop ass please feel free to send it my way!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


As I mentioned in my last post I got back from Hawaii last week and I'm trying to hold onto that wonderful relaxed vibe I felt throughout my trip. I'm really trying to find a balance between life, work, exercise and diet. This past week has been nice, I've taken the pressure off myself and I've done a couple of workouts but my diet needs some work. As soon as I stop exercising my diet turns to shit. I am starting to realize that exercise is more than just a hobby that I enjoy, its also a great stress reliever for me, the more I workout the less I stress eat, the less I workout the more I stress about not working out and my diet goes to hell. I need help.

I don't want to put a schedule back on the fridge and start obsessing about exercise, I truly love exercise but the guilt I feel devoting so much time to it is starting to sour this love affair. My goal for the month of March is to workout five days a week....unstructured, one day I might go for a run, another yoga, no plan just do what I feel.  And I need to get a handle on my diet, I want to take a break from keeping a food journal but I know keeping a daily record is key to weight loss. I'll give this more thought and let you know how its going in the coming days.

Friday, March 4, 2011

I'm Back!

Like a nasty rash I have returned! After an amazing trip to Hawaii (I'll spare you all the glorious details) I am back in the saddle, sort of. I seem to have lost my mojo. Perhaps I lost it on the North Shore with the chilled out vibe. I cannot for the life of me get going, I'm hoping its jet lag.

So the big question...did I work out while on vacation? Yup, but not a lot. A couple of hard spin classes, two weight training sessions in the gym, one 8km run, one paddle-board lesson and that was about it. I was conflicted at first and got up at 5am to head to the gym the first few days and then I decided it was time to chillax. For the love of God I had travelled over 7800 kilometers to Paradise and was still driving myself crazy with exercise.

The next big question...did I gain any weight? Probably, but to be honest I haven't weighed myself since I got back. Partially because I'm sure I'm up a few pounds but also because I kind of don't care at the moment. It's probably the jet lag but I am tired and I know as soon as I get on that scale I'll start driving myself crazy counting calories, working out and obsessing over every minute of the day. So I'm letting things be for now. I'm eating healthy (though in Hawaii I did indulge a fair amount) and I'll get back to working out in the next few days but I'm trying to hold on to some of this easy going vibe.

I went to a Sports Massage Therapist before I left to have my IT Band worked on, and its a mess. It was a painful hour and a painful reminder that I was over doing it. I was going to sign up for another half-marathon in May and cram the training in over 10 weeks, but I think I'll pass. Maybe one this fall, or maybe not, we'll see.

Another thing I realized when I was in vacation was how much I missed spending time with my husband. Life gets so hectic and only seeing each other daily for an hour or two during the week has become the norm, mostly due to my crazy workout schedule. Getting to spend over two weeks together all day, everyday, was awesome. So I'm not keen to jump right back into my previous schedule.

So there it is folks....I seem to have absorbed some of that relaxed Hawaiian vibe.  We'll see how long it lasts. ;) Aloha!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Aloha Friends

Well folks I am off to Hawaii. I hope you have a wonderful February! Thanks as always for reading, I'll have some new material March 2.  

Thursday, February 10, 2011

And the grand total is.....drumroll please!

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had outlined a fitness program back in September until our trip to Hawaii...well we leave on Saturday and I just completed my last workout. I'm spent, I can't do anything else. So what do the final numbers look like?

September 13 - February 10 (22 weeks)
Half Marathon - 1  (why not start with a bang)
Hot Yoga - 57 (60 - 90 min classes)
Kickboxing - 35 classes
Spinning - 14 classes
Crossfit - 11 sessions
Weight Training - 28 sessions
25 km Bike Ride - 1 sore ass
Run (5 - 12km) - 35 runs
Squash - 1 match (75 mins)

In the past 22 weeks I have spent 163 hours exercising, this doesn't include twice a day walks with my dog, these are just the structured workouts. An average of 8 hours a week. Ok I think I can chillax a bit.

It is very motivating to put all your workouts on a calendar and mark them off as you complete them, finding balance is the tricky part. For the next two weeks in Hawaii I will workout, but only when I feel like it, not because I feel like I have to. Maybe I won't feel like exercising at all...I'm going to really try to be okay with that. When I come back I'll start training for another half marathon but I'm letting a lot of the other stuff go. No more frantic runs to and from kickboxing until my legs feel like they are going to fall off because I needed to get a run in and didn't want to miss out on kickboxing. No more waking up at 5 am to squeeze in a weight training session before work because I have to run after work and then follow it with a spinning class.  I'm going for quality not quantity on my next schedule...with...brace yourselves....actual rest days! Someday I hope to not be so manic about this steps.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Do you lllloooovvvveeee it?

Before I buy anything I ask myself...."Do you loooove it?" if the answer isn't a resounding "YES" then I don't buy it. Sadly this only works with clothing and accessories, I have yet to meet a brownie I didn't love. I was talking with a friend the other day who loves working out as much as I do and how our husbands don't get it.  If I had a day off and I could do anything I wanted, exercising would be at the top of my list. No I am not holding a crack pipe.

Can you learn to love exercise? From personal experience I say YES. When I was morbidly obese I hated exercise but started to break a sweat in order to lose weight. As the weight came off and I found activities I enjoyed I started to look forward to it.  As I got better at activities I enjoyed I became more competitive and started to push myself to try harder every time, and before I knew it I was madly in love with exercise. Believe me it was a slow burn that took a few years but I'm happy it did.

Most fitness experts talk about joining a gym and doing your 2-3 weight sessions a week and cardio 3-4 days a week, that sounds exciting (insert sarcasm font)! What if you hate the gym, you are uncomfortable working out in a crowd, don't know the equipment and are too shy to ask? Getting healthy isn't about signing up for a gym membership and slogging away the hours, hating every minute, if you want to be successful you need to enjoy what you are doing! I'm a personal trainer who does not have a gym membership, not because I don't need one but because even if I had one I wouldn't use it.  I have some basic equipment in my basement (treadmill, free weights, stability ball, TRX) where I can do hundreds of exercises, but what I really love doesn't happen in a gym. I love hot yoga, kickboxing, running and Crossfit.

I only use my treadmill for sprint intervals between weight training sets, the thought of running for even 15 minutes on a treadmill makes me want to pull my hair out. I have the attention span of a fruit fly and running in place on a machine is my idea of hell. Even if its -25C I'll run outside, its awesome.  Find something you enjoy doing, indoor rock climbing, badminton, swimming, skiing. You never know where it will lead. Did I think the first time I managed to run for 90 seconds that a few years later I'd have run five half-marathons and dozens of 5 and 10km races? No!

Go find something you looove!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sports Nutrition

I attended a very interesting Fitness Conference this past weekend in Montreal. I love these types of events where you are surrounded by like minded people interested in learning more about health and nutrition for ourselves but also for our clients. Well except for the chick eating MacDonald's in the lobby. 

I spent two fantastic hours listening to Scott Josephson, MS, RD from the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida talk about nutrition. His seminar was called Eating for Energy and it completely changed how I think about fueling my body.   I highly recommend checking out the site. I was able to speak with him after and he was so knowledgeable about every aspect of fitness and nutrition it was astounding. I explained to him how I needed to lose 5-10lbs and he said to me "You don't need to lose 5-10 pounds, that is a personal weight-loss goal not a medical one." That made me smile, to hear a fitness expert who works with the best athletes in the world tell me that felt like a giant weight lifting from my shoulders. I needed to stop being fixated on the "weight" and really start treating my body like an athlete's. We talked about my exercise schedule and how many calories I consume, always with a focus to lose weight. He used an example of a 125 female doing twice a day workouts like me, burning an average of 300 calories per workout. For her to properly fuel her body and get the most from her workouts she had to eat over 2500 calories a day!  In my ongoing quest to lose weight I had cut my calories back to 1400 and the scale hasn't budged in over a month. We talked about pre-workout carbs/protein, post-workout recovery and adjusting my carb/protein/fat ratio based upon the type of exercise I do (intense cardio and high rep/high weight training). Turns out I should be eating another 500 calories a day! Can we say Merry Christmas? 

I love talking about nutrition, exercise and developing plans. I downloaded a handy little app called Calorie Count by FatSecret. I've always tracked my calories in a notebook but now that I am looking at food as fuel and making sure to time it according to my workouts and really monitor my carb/protein/fat intake, this little app is amazing. I also picked up a great book called Vegetarian Sports Nutrition by D. Enette Larson-Meyer PhD, RD which follows the same guidelines as Scott's presentation. 

I know only a handful of people are really interested in this stuff like I am but I wanted to share. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

What Size Are You?

Does anyone really know what size they are? I have clothes in my closet from size 0 - 8, xs - large. There is no rhyme or reason to it. Some designers cut their clothes bigger, some smaller. Try shopping in another country and you'll either be dancing a jig or on the change room floor in a puddle of tears.

I remember feeling so excited after losing a significant amount of weight, I had slowly gone from a size 20 down to a size 10 pant and they were getting pretty baggy. In order to not look slovenly everyday I decided to go shopping. Dropping from double digits to a size 8 was going to be a huge milestone for me, no pun intended.  I entered the change room with my coveted size 8's, heart racing, a smile on my face....and then I couldn't get them done up. DAMNIT! It was like watching a slow leak in a balloon. All that work, all those pounds lost, that feeling of excitement, gone. I almost cried. There was no way I was going to purchase another pair of 10s...I had earned the right to wear an 8! Or maybe I hadn't, maybe my clothes had stretched, maybe I was delusional. It's funny how an article of clothing made halfway around the world by strangers can carry such emotional weight.

Sure we can blame the media and fashion magazines about the idealized size 8, 6, 4, 2, 0 but when I was in that change room I wasn't thinking about the latest issue of Vogue or the runways in Paris, I was thinking about celebrating all my hard work with a pair of pants in a size I hadn't worn since high school. How is it possible that all my clothes were too big yet the next size down was too small? Frustrating.

I left the mall and didn't buy anything. I wish I could go back to that girl crumpled up in the change room and tell her that number on the tag was not a reflection of how far she had come. I could go on about cuts and styles and how there is no set sizing but it wouldn't matter. It's funny, I remember that day of not being able to fit into a size 8 for the first time like it was yesterday yet I have no recollection of the day I did actually fit into a size 8 for the first time. Hmmmmm

Friday, February 4, 2011

Taco Bell: A Love Affair

An oldie but a goodie reposted for our new readers....

In 1994 I started a relationship which would last over a decade, though an unhealthy relationship it was one I was hesitant to end.  There are still moments of weakness when I wonder what it would be like to rekindle our romance, but alas I know it was for the best that we parted when we did.

Two Double Decker Tacos and their ever so complimentary side dish, Nachos Supreme, were my Scarlet Letter.  Dripping in intoxicating hot sauce created by perfect evil geniuses, I devoured dozens, even hundreds of these meals.  Each clocking in at a staggering 1030 calories, 51 grams of fat and over 2200 mg of sodium, its no wonder I broke into a sweat unwrapping each hefty taco.

Step One of Weight Loss:  Stop Eating Garbage
Though Taco Bell didn't taste like garbage it provided little to no nutritional value, over 70% of my required daily calories, my entire daily fat intake and more than the recommended sodium one meal.  Did I mention I'd wash this down with a large Dr. Pepper? Add another 300 calories. In order for me to burn off this meal I'd have to run 15km at a pretty good pace, at this time in my life it would have taken me the better part of a day to walk 15km.  So the fast food had to go, insert melodramatic music, tears and one sordid farewell meal.

Exercise is encouraged as a part of any weight loss program for a number of reasons, it burns calories, improves cardio fitness, improves bone and muscle strength, improves mood etc...but no matter how much you exercise you cannot exercise enough to undo the damage of a poor diet.

 The guys at Turbulance Training did an interesting experiment proving exactly that:

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Killer Workout

We've discussed my love of working myself into the ground so I'm going to share some tricks with you to spend as little time in the gym as possible and still get an amazing workout. Puke bags are $2 each.

1. Cut your cardio time by doing intervals. They can be any duration but instead of spending an hour on the treadmill spend 30 1 min sprint, 1 min'll torch more calories than you will at your usual slower pace in half the time. And yes I know people talk about that magic fat burning zone of 60-70% heart rate, well that doesn't mean squat if you aren't creating a calorie deficit everyday. So get your ass moving.

2. Add cardio to your weight training. Skip, do jumping jacks, jump on a bike, run etc. Instead of standing around for 1-2mins between sets pump out some cardio. If you do 10 exercises and do cardio between each set you can sneak in almost 20 mins of cardio in the same amount of time you would have spent sitting on a weight machine. FYI do you know what infuriates me? People who sit on the weight equipment between sets!

3. Up the weights. Don't be delusional ladies you are not going to bulk up. If you are lifting 5lbs 15-20 times no problem try lifting 10lbs and do 8-10 reps instead. Cut your time lifting weights by lifting heavier weights. Fatigue your muscles, stop wasting your time!

4. Doing 100 sit-ups takes a long time and only build up the muscles on your abdomen, yes I said build up the you want a larger midsection? I didn't think so, switch to planks which engage deeper muscles that act like a girdle and narrow your stomach. Hold a plank for :10 to a minute and you'll accomplish more than those sit-ups.

5. Try something new. Our bodies are like very intelligent machines...they adapt quickly. If you always get on the elliptical get on the rower, treadmill junkie, get your ass on the stair stepper. You will use new muscle groups and see results faster.

Ignore all of the above if you love hanging out at the gym.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Groundhog Day

It's Groundhog Day and only Bill Murray finds it funny. Is it the start of February and your New Year's Resolution is a faint memory and you are back to your old habits?  Maybe make this Groundhog Day different from every other Groundhog Day and decide to make a change and stick to it! They say it takes 28 days to make a habit stick, well look at that, February has 28 days...if you start today on March 1 you'll be the one laughing.

So get your sweet ass off the couch, make a plan and get moving!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Don't Let the Door Hit You in the Ass on Your Way Out!

I don't know about you but I am so happy to see January in the rearview mirror. We only have seven weeks of Winter left and I couldn't be more excited. February is going to be an awesome month!

So what are your plans for the month? I'm going to finish up my training program on Feb 11 then hightail my ass to Hawaii. Woohooo. When I return it will be a new month and warmer temps. I'm looking forward to relaxing, giving my weary muscles a chance to rest and come back home tanned, healthy and ready to welcome spring with open arms.  My goodness I am waxing poetic today. I can't help it, I feel change in the air...and the sun is shining!

Set an intention for February, one thing you want to accomplish this month. My intention for the month of February is to put things into perspective. Stop stressing the small stuff and learn to cut myself some slack. Maybe that's three things.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Like a Bowl Full of Jelly!

We all have trouble spots....mine is my Santa belly. Yes I exaggerate somewhat, its more like Mrs. Claus' belly. Sadly no matter how many six pack programs you see on TV or magic ab machines on the market you can't spot train away body fat.

I refuse to embrace my jiggly bits so I work my ass off to burn the fat. That's right folks...lots of cardio. The other thing I've done that has helped dramatically with belly flab is to overhaul my diet. I'm sure some changes just reduce bloating but I'll take it.

My tricks to a flatter stomach:
No soda! (actually nothing carbonated)
Watch the salt (try to stay below the daily maximum of 3,000 mg)
Eat nothing white (simple carbs)
Eat every 3-4 hours
Raw veggies create gas so I warm up my veggies before I eat them
Drink lots of water
Skip the crunches and do planks
Add more core strengthening to your workout (stability ball, bosu, TRX)
Kick up the cardio, intervals burn a lot of calories in a short period of time

Here's another tip, if you dislike your belly as I do and are working your hardest to make it firmer and flatter, spend some time admiring the parts of your body you do like. Do you have strong muscular legs, broad strong shoulders, a perfect ass? There are many things about your body worth celebrating, focus on them and strut your stuff, but please no assless chaps.