Friday, May 6, 2011

Running a Marathon!

I beleive I said earlier this year I wasn't going to participate in any races this year and I certainly wasn't going to spend any money on entry fees and traveling to runs outside of the how things have changed.  I got into the New York City Marathon! After three years of putting my name into the lottery I got an email last week saying I was in. It will be my first full marathon and I'm so excited and nervous. I have this revolving emotion of pure joy then a quick slap of nausea...this must be what morning sickness feels like. So out the window goes everything I said about dialing back on the running. I need an intervention.

I have 11 weeks of "base building" before I start my training. I use a three day a week running program which incorporates two very specific cross training sessions as well. It's pretty intense but I used it for one of my half marathons and it was my best race ever. I have 11 weeks to get to the point where 15 miles feels comfortable...right now 7 miles (11km) is pretty easy, 15 miles (24km)  is doable but certainly not comfortable. Wish me luck. After 11 weeks my training bumps up to 16 weeks of the most brutal running I've ever experienced and to be honest running 20 miles (32km) four times before the marathon is freaking me out a bit.

Of course I already have this all on a spreadsheet on the fridge. Tonight is the first run of the training program...a nice slow 8km. I am going to cherish this run because the next one this week is 13km of speed work. Ugh

Brace yourselves folks there are many posts coming of me complaining of aching muscles and perhaps lost toenails. (too much?)

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