Well well well what a difference a few days makes. I have found my mojo! There is nothing like the feeling of kicking ass during a really tough workout to give you a shot of adrenaline and kick start your motivation. I'm feeling good, I feel like I have a handle on the overeating and am back to fighting form. What a relief! I hate that feeling of waning, it doesn't happen often to me but when it does I go completely off the rails.
As miserable as I felt last week when my motivation to eat properly and exercise were at their lowest in years I relied on a few tricks to get me back on track.
- Even when I knew I was going to fluff my way through a workout I went anyway. I know sometimes it takes a few to get me rollin' again but I always feel a little bit better just getting off the couch.
- Think about the reasons why you are lagging in motivation, I realized it was a combination of jet-lag, post vacation let down and over-training so I cut myself some slack. Realizing it would pass was like getting a hall pass from the guilt fairy.
- Pick up some reading material. I love fitness magazines and the new issue of Runner's World is all about spring training and how to lose those winter pounds with running. It was just what I needed to read to get myself thinking about spring, fitness and getting back out on the road. After running in Hawaii I had lost all desire to pile on the layers and run through snowbanks, but now the urge to log some miles is back!
- Evaluate what you've been doing. My goal for 2011 is to chillax. I need to be more efficient with my time away from home and get the most out of my workouts. I don't want to spend 10+ hours a week exercising anymore. I am taking two rest days a week and am cutting back to 6 hours a week. That may still seem like a lot to some but for me it is a huge shift in priorities.
So I'm back in the saddle my friends and it feels great! Crossfit this weekend is gonna rock! I think I'll go for a run on Sunday and who knows perhaps it will feel like spring. Rock on my fellow fitness freaks!
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