Well I've done it....I've kicked my daily, sometimes twice, thrice daily, weigh-ins to the curb! Studies show that people who weigh themselves frequently are more successful at weight-loss, and the recommended frequency is weekly. I can't manage weekly, it still drives me crazy so I'm going to attempt to weigh myself twice a month on the first and the fifteenth. That's it!
I get in these manic states about my weight and start exercising like a fiend until I can't function. I stress about my diet and journal every morsel and as soon as I eat one thing I've deemed as "bad" I go completely off the rails and for days eat all the "bad" things I've banned from my diet...thus resulting in inevitable weight gain. Oh we are crazy little creatures. So I've decided not to track my calories for awhile, I'm sure I'll mentally track my food but I'm taking a break. No sitting up a night with the calculator figuring out how much I can eat the next day based upon how much exercise I do. I'm going to try to relax the reins, see what its like to live like someone who doesn't have food and body issues. Hopefully I'll be able to settle into a healthy pattern, maybe I'll drop a few pounds, maybe I won't. Maybe I'll learn what it is I need to focus on with my diet and maybe just maybe I'll learn to stop this cycle.
Aren't we all just works in progress? Wish me luck friends this is a new journey for me...I'll send a postcard.
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