Is it just me or do you feel like you are waiting for something to happen? It's that time of year when the snow is starting to melt but a snow storm can still happen at any time, I feel in limbo. I'm not running a spring race this year, as my IT Band has decided to make itself known again, so as I rest up and lay off the long distance runs I'm mixing up my workouts but I just don't seem to have any drive, no get up and go, alas there appears to be a hitch in my giddy-up!
What do you do to kick yourself in the ass? I've had almost three weeks off of serious training so I doubt I'm over-trained anymore, perhaps I've grown bored of my regular routine, dare I say perhaps I've lost that lovin' feeling for working out? NO that's not true! I'm going to turn 36 in a few days, maybe I'm feeling time ticking by, maybe I'm in a funk. Who knows.
One thing I do know is that I have spent the last 20 years focused on my weight and man I am tired of it. Sure I've made some great accomplishments and lost a huge amount of weight, but when do I get to relax? I don't think I'll ever completely be able to let it all go and not be focused on food. Part of the reason I've always developed very difficult training programs for myself is it allows me to take some of the focus off food and put it on exercise and I can adjust my diet around my training requirements. ie if I am training for a long distance race I can up my intake of carbs, I can eat more calories on long training days etc. Right now I'm not training for anything and I feel like I'm flailing. I can't get a handle on my diet and I'm lacking the motivation to ramp up my workouts.
If anyone out there has a spare can of whoop ass please feel free to send it my way!
Regan, maybe it's time for mixed martial arts :) I'm serious. My friend (who also lost a lot of weight years ago and has been through the fitness gamut) started a few years ago a combo training program of Muay Thai and Brazilian Jiujitsu... she loves it. Thai boxing place in the market was one of her favourite training places. It's a harcdcore workout, but it's less about getting fit and more about developing a skill.