I've come to realize over the past few weeks that I need to raise my game. I'm chillaxing on the manic workouts, the diet could use a little work and I'm drowning myself in Diet Coke! Fack! Time to get it under control! That is a lot of exclamation points.
So I put a new schedule on the fridge, its a bit more forgiving than my last but I am a person who needs to be working towards a goal. I've signed up for a 10km in May which is no big deal and just for fun, I ran 10km the other day with no problems. I'm also training for a half marathon in May, though I may not actually travel to Nova Scotia to run it, I'll run it here in spirit. (trying to cut back on travel expenses). The problem with another half-marathon is I'm not worried about the distance, I've run 20+ kilometers dozens of times. If you told me I had to run 21km tomorrow I could do it, so I'm not feeling motivated to train my hardest.
So in an attempt to kick start myself I've thrown my name in the ring for the New York City Marathon again, after three entries into the race lottery you get automatic entry. I can't remember if this is the third or forth time I've entered the lottery. So fingers crossed in November I'll be running a full marathon! I've decided even if I don't get in this year I will run one here in Ontario. Now I get to put together a training program, my favorite thing to do!
I have three months before I'd really need to start training so I need to find something to get me going between now and then. If I don't, I know I'll wake up in June 10lbs heavier and kicking myself in the ass. I've looked into boxing but I'm really trying to cut back on gym fees. I'm tired of working my ass off for a weight-loss goal but I'm having trouble finding that happy middle ground.
Maybe I should post my daily workouts and diet on this blog...that would keep me accountable! But probably boring to read. I'd love some feedback! Look another exclamation point, I'm staring to type like a cheerleader.
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