Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My Day - April 19

I went for an awesome run tonight. It was one of those runs where you feel light and fast and it reminds you why you love running. One thing I didn't like was how my shorts kept rolling down under my belly! I have been really good with watching my calories and exercise but the scale hasn't budged in weeks! I think I need to refocus and cut out the processed and packaged food. The quick convenient foods and not to mention Dt Coke have been a part of my diet too much lately and that is not going to help me lose those last few pounds! So far this week I've stuck to my rule of only eating food I make at home, it's Tuesday so I'm doing well. Lol So the rest of the week no Dt Coke! If you see me with a can feel free to chastise me publicly, I need an intervention.

Today's Menu
1-1/4 C Vector cereal
1C almond milk
375 calories

1C beans
Faux chicken nuggets
nacho chips
575 calories

Granola bar
Protein bar
570 calories

Toasted tomato sandwich
275 calories

Today's Total Calories: 1795

9.46km run - 56:12 (5:57 min/km)
Calories burned: 600

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