Thursday, February 10, 2011

And the grand total is.....drumroll please!

I mentioned a few weeks ago that I had outlined a fitness program back in September until our trip to Hawaii...well we leave on Saturday and I just completed my last workout. I'm spent, I can't do anything else. So what do the final numbers look like?

September 13 - February 10 (22 weeks)
Half Marathon - 1  (why not start with a bang)
Hot Yoga - 57 (60 - 90 min classes)
Kickboxing - 35 classes
Spinning - 14 classes
Crossfit - 11 sessions
Weight Training - 28 sessions
25 km Bike Ride - 1 sore ass
Run (5 - 12km) - 35 runs
Squash - 1 match (75 mins)

In the past 22 weeks I have spent 163 hours exercising, this doesn't include twice a day walks with my dog, these are just the structured workouts. An average of 8 hours a week. Ok I think I can chillax a bit.

It is very motivating to put all your workouts on a calendar and mark them off as you complete them, finding balance is the tricky part. For the next two weeks in Hawaii I will workout, but only when I feel like it, not because I feel like I have to. Maybe I won't feel like exercising at all...I'm going to really try to be okay with that. When I come back I'll start training for another half marathon but I'm letting a lot of the other stuff go. No more frantic runs to and from kickboxing until my legs feel like they are going to fall off because I needed to get a run in and didn't want to miss out on kickboxing. No more waking up at 5 am to squeeze in a weight training session before work because I have to run after work and then follow it with a spinning class.  I'm going for quality not quantity on my next schedule...with...brace yourselves....actual rest days! Someday I hope to not be so manic about this steps.

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