Friday, December 31, 2010

Diet Coke *sigh*

I'm reposting this one as I fell off the Diet Coke wagon over the holidays but have climbed back on...

Let me start by saying I LOVE LOVE LOVE DIET COKE, oh its sweet fizzy caffeinated taste! I thought six years ago giving up regular Coke was difficult...well let me tell you, whatever addictive properties Coke had, Diet Coke is its jacked up cousin 'cause I am jonesing for Diet Coke everyday!  But lately I've been winning the battle so I'm climbing up onto my pulpit....brace yourselves.

Top 3 reasons why I fight the Diet Coke battle!

1. It contains aspartame - this is a scary product which failed government testing for years, it has been linked to cancer, epilepsy/seizures, obesity and more

2. It is so acidic it can literally eat away at your teeth. people who drink 3 or more sodas daily have 62% more tooth decay than people who don't.

3. Artificial sweeteners are linked to weight gain! 

Of 622 study participants who were of normal weight at the beginning of a study on diet soda and weight gain, about a third became overweight or obese over the eight-year study period.

For regular soft-drink drinkers, the risk of becoming overweight or obese was:
  • 26% for up to 1/2 can each day
  • 30.4% for 1/2 to one can each day
  • 32.8% for 1 to 2 cans each day
  • 47.2% for more than 2 cans each day.
For diet soft-drink drinkers, the risk of becoming overweight or obese was:
  • 36.5% for up to 1/2 can each day
  • 37.5% for 1/2 to one can each day
  • 54.5% for 1 to 2 cans each day
  • 57.1% for more than 2 cans each day.
For each can of diet soft drink consumed each day, a person's risk of obesity went up 41%!


 So why to we eat healthfully and exercise to only chase it all down with a drink that is setting us up for failure?  Take control of your taste-buds ladies and gentlemen!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Sabotage - Not Just a great Beastie Boy song!

Why when I get so close to a goal do I sabotage myself?

I'm an emotional eater so I eat whenever I feel stressed, excited, tired, bored, happy, sad, angry, need I go on? For the weeks leading up to Christmas I was on track with my exercise and was watching my caloric intake, sure I'd have a few pieces of chocolate here and there but nothing crazy, then as soon as something gets a little stressful I'm elbow deep in a box of chocolate macaroons.

Perhaps after years of struggling with my weight I don't know how to manage my emotions without food. I've always been the fat girl so really is it that surprising to see me eating a chocolate bar? This is how my brain works, its a negative little monster who I have yet to get a handle on. The truth is yes it is very surprising to see me eat a chocolate bar or a bag of chips, I just don't do that. When I feel my world spinning out of control the first things I reach for are things I have classified as "bad". It's like I am punishing myself for being overwhelmed with everyday life. I don't think I'm the only one...when you are on your fourth bowl of Cheerios or your third granola bar you know you've fallen off the rails. (I know these sound like lame binging foods but I keep junk food out of the house.)

Maybe in some sick little twisted way I like to fail so I will always have something to work toward. What would happen if I were to actually reach my goal weight? What would I berate myself for? What would be my motivation to work out everyday? How would I relax around food, would I fall off the rails if I didn't track every morsel and gain it all back?

Obesity and weight loss are about much more than numbers on a scale. Anyone who has done gastric bypass can tell you even when the weight comes off there is a mountain of emotions to deal with. What is your internal dialog telling you? Is it holding you back?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

What have I gotten myself into?

So I am doing a photoshoot this week for the March issue of SELF magazine. I am beyond excited but now I'm panicking that the end result is going to look lame. Hello? Where are you self-confidence?

It's funny I've spent the better part of the last seven years working my ass off, literally, to first drop 80 pounds, then maintain it, build muscle etc. I'm not sure when my head is going to catch up to my body. Most days of the week I don't feel like a woman at her healthy weight, most days I still feel like the overweight girl trying to hide her stomach rolls under a baggy sweater. It's only when I see pictures of myself that I think, huh you're right I have lost weight.

Part of me hopes my head doesn't catch up so I always have that drive to keep striving to exercise and eat well, but somedays I'd love to just feel like a normal person who never had a weight problem, who doesn't question every morsel of food they eat. Perhaps this article is just what I need to see in print that I have come a long way. Or it will be printed with an ink blot across my face and you'll have to pick me up off the floor.

Now I have to decide what to wear!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Time to Catch Some zzzz's

Christmas is over and you are probably enjoying a day or two off of work. I hope you turned the alarm clock off this morning and caught a few extra zzz's.

I love sleeping, seriously if I could have a nap everyday I would, I love going to bed, curling up under a fluffy duvet and drifting off to sleep.  I love a good 8 - 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep, but how often does that happen? With a husband that gets up before the sun to go to work, a dog who insists on getting up by 7am and the pressure I put on myself to squeeze a workout in before work its more likely to be 7-8 hours of frequently disturbed sleep.  Call me Girl Interrupted minus the loony-bin.

There was a study done recently with 1,000 volunteers tracking their sleep habits and how it effected their health. For subjects that routinely slept less than eight hours per night their percentage of body fat was higher than those that routinely slept eight hours each night. When subjects were deprived of sleep their appetites increased by 45% the following day! ref:

In addition to an increase in appetite who hasn't had a sleepless night to only come home from work and crash out on the couch? It's difficult to get the energy to cook a healthy meal or exercise when you are tired.  And a nap after work tends to lead to another restless night followed by a tired day and then before you know it you are in a viscous cycle which is hard to break.

Here are some tips to a better night's rest:
- go to bed the same time each night, weekday and weekend
- turn off all electronic devices an hour before bedtime
- don't exercise within three hours of bedtime
- no caffeine in the evening
- take a warm bath before bed
- block any light in your bedroom, even light from your alarm clock can alter your sleep patterns, turn the clock toward the wall or buy one with a display dimmer, or buy a sleep mask
- invest in a proper mattress and pillow
- if you are having trouble sleeping talk with your doctor
- do not hit the snooze button, any additional minutes of sleep you get are not restorative
- if your spouse is a snorer send him/her to the doctor for some sleep aids, kicking them in the shins all night only keeps you awake and holding a pillow over their face is illegal 

It's also a myth that you can catch up on sleep.  Haven't we all had a stressful week with too little sleep to then crash on a Friday night and spend the weekend trying to catch up?  It doesn't work. You need to be consistent in your sleep habits just as you need to be consistent with diet and exercise.

Sweet Dreams.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Should you start 2011 off with a cleanse?

As the new year approaches you may be looking for a way to kickstart your New Year's resolution to lose weight...maybe this will help.

There are so many mixed messages about detoxes and cleanses in the market. Some are very extreme and restrictive, some are just wacked.  Who wants to drink water with maple syrup and cayenne pepper? Ugh. That is the Master Cleanse in case you weren't aware, which also requires you to drink large volumes of salt water until your bowels release...ugh.

Here is the thing I have learned over the years about detoxing and cleansing, if you are looking to reduce your intake of a certain food that you feel is hindering your weight-loss or fitness goal then I'm all for it, keeping in mind you are meeting your daily required calories and vitamins.

Caffeine: But I need it!
I'm not a coffee drinker, never have been but I know most people love to wake up with a cuppa Joe. Caffeine is a stimulant which alters your body's natural rhythms.  If you are relying on caffeine to get you through the day then you are probably lacking sleep, if you need it mid-afternoon as a pick-me-up perhaps you needed to eat a healthier lunch. Try a few days without caffeine and see how your body feels, a cup of coffee a day is not a terrible thing but it could be masking other issues.

Sugar: Who doesn't love something sweet? 
Whether you have an insatiable appetite for jelly beans or chocolate there is a common ingredient that is so addictive it should come with a warning label. Sugar! The only successful way to tackle your sugar addiction is to stop eating it! Read the labels, if the serving size has more than 4 grams of sugar don't eat it. And don't even think of replacing it with artificial sweeteners, they are chemicals, back away!

Meat: Mooove away from the butcher
Anytime you remove an entire category from your diet you need to do some research. I haven't eaten meat in almost two years and I don't miss it but it was overwhelming at first. Speak with a dietitian, buy a vegetarian cookbook, spend sometime online.  There are so many great non-meat meal ideas out there.

Dairy:  Cheese Please!
Oh cheese how I miss you.  I am happy never to drink milk again, I prefer the taste of almond milk, yogurt is no great loss, but cheese!!! I have tired so many non-dairy cheese substitutes but haven't found any that come close to the real thing, if you know of one please let me know. A lot of people have mild to intense digestive issues when it comes to dairy, I noticed a huge improvement in stomach bloat and indigestion when I cut dairy out of my diet. Its not the same for everyone but I would suggest going dairy free for a few days to see if you notice a difference.

Chocolate: You will have to pry it from my cold dead hands!
I looove chocolate, and there are a lot of health benefits to dark chocolate. Most chocolate we consume however is cheaply made and full of sugar. If you have a chocolate craving stick to a serving under 100 calories and 75% or higher levels of cocoa. As with all sweets the longer you go without the weaker the cravings become, try one day, then two then a week.

Sample Detox:
Here is a two week detox I did recently which was very gentle and I felt like a million bucks after!

- no dairy
- lean protein only (grilled chicken or fish) as a vegan I stuck to beans and tofu
- no eating after 8pm
- no caffeine
- no sugar
- have a vegan protein shake to replace one meal a day
- drink 3 liters of water a day
- no artificial sweeteners!
- only whole grains (nothing white)
- in bed before 11pm
- NO Alcohol

With this detox I also practiced yoga everyday and took two weeks off my hectic kickboxing, running and weight training program.  My body felt rejuvenated! This detox was so gentle its become my normal daily eating plan.

My favorite smoothie recipe is:

1C Almond Milk (unsweetened)
1 scoop vegan protein powder
1 scoop Greens + Daily Detox
1 banana
1C frozen berries
1 tsp olive oil

Blend, makes one serving of about 350 calories.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Bells are inner thighs are jiggling!

Well it's Christmas Eve and all the presents are wrapped, the tree is trimmed and the house is ready to receive guests. But what is that sense of dread I feel? It's the pressure I put on myself to not over indulge today and tomorrow, I spend more time focused on what I do and don't eat than on the excitement of the day.

So how do you get through the next two days without a sugar hangover and a sleigh full of guilt? First you need to cut yourself some slack. If you are like me and will have at least two big family gatherings to attend you know you are pressed for time, lacking sleep and your willpower is going to crumble as soon as you see the platter of fresh baked Christmas cookies. In the grand scheme of things is one or two days of indulgence going to ruin weeks of healthy eating and exercise? The answer is no.  Should you go completely insane and use the cookie platter as your appetizer and follow it up with a gallon of eggnog? The answer is no. The promise I am making to myself this year is to relax, I am so careful with my diet every other day of the year that taking a day or two off is not really a big deal.

So go my merry little friends, enjoy Christmas, have a cookie or two, enjoy time with your family and congratulate yourself on all the work you've done this year. Boxing Day I'll see you at the gym.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Vegan Holiday Recipes

The countdown is on! One more day until the family starts rolling in, your father-in-law takes over the couch and any hopes of a tidy house go out the window. I've been asked how I go without turkey at Christmas, I'm not going to say its easy but I made a decision to not eat meat so I can't just jump on and off that wagon when I want. Though the thought of a turkey sandwich with pickles and cranberry sauce is almost enough to make me. 

Here are some vegan holiday recipes you may want to try this Christmas!  

Roasted Brussel Sprouts 
1lb fresh brussel sprouts
3 tbsp olive oil
salt and pepper

Toss sprouts in olive oil and S&P. Place on a baking sheet at 400F for 30-40 minutes, stir frequently. 

Roasted Winter Veggies
2 medium sized butternut squash cubed
2 medum sized turnips cubed
1 lb baby carrots
1lb mini potatoes cut in half
2 large sweet potatoes cubed
4 tbsp olive oil
2 tbsp cayenne
2 tbsp chili powder
1 tbsp garlic powder
salt & pepper

In a large baking dish add veggies (you may have to do two batches) coat with olive oil and seasonings. Bake at 400F for 30-45 mins, stirring periodically. One of my favorites! 

Faux Chicken Pot Pie
4 Tbsp. vegetable bouillon
2 1/2 cups hot water
1/2 cup 
nutritional yeast flakes (available at health food stores)
1/2 cup flour
1/2 cup oil
1 tsp. garlic salt
1/2 tsp. pepper
1 15.5-oz. can white potatoes, drained and cut into small pieces
1 1/2 cups frozen or canned/drained mixed corn kernels, peas, and diced carrots
1/2 lb. faux chicken, cut into tiny cubes (try Morningstar Farms Meal Starters Chick'n Strips)
1 box puff pastry sheets

• Preheat the oven to 400°F. Mix the vegetable bouillon or faux chicken broth powder with the hot water to make a stock. Set aside.
• Combine the nutritional yeast and flour in a large pot and stir constantly over low heat until lightly toasted. Add the oil, stirring to make a roux. Slowly whisk in the stock, garlic salt, and pepper. Add the vegetables and faux chicken. Cook for 5 to 10 minutes or until heated through.
• Roll out one sheet of puff pastry and place it in a 9-inch pie dish, trimming to fit. Place the pastry in the oven for 5 to 10 minutes or until it starts to puff. Remove the pastry from the oven, pour the filling into it, and place the other sheet of puff pastry on top, cutting and pressing together the edges and making several 1-inch slices on top to allow the steam to escape. Continue baking for approximately 20 minutes or until the pastry is golden and puffed. 

Traditional Tasting Tofurkey
    5 (12-ounce) blocks firm or extra firm tofu
    1/4 to 1/2 cup fresh chopped herbs (savory, rosemary, sage and basil)
    1-1/2 tablespoons vegetable stock powder or vegan chicken stock
    2 teaspoons vegan poultry seasoning, or more to taste
    salt, to taste
    pepper, to taste

    1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
    1/4 - 1/2 cup red wine
    1/4 cup chopped fresh herbs (same as you used in tofu)
    1 tablespoon veg stock powder dissolved in two tablespoons of hot water
    salt and pepper to taste
    1 teaspoon of mustard (Dijon or seed works best)
    add a sprinkle of hot pepper flakes if you like (I always do)

1. Roast: Blend tofu in blender or food processor until lumps are gone. You can mash by hand, but I prefer to blend it for a better consistency. Transfer to a large bowl, stir in herbs, vegetable stock powder poultry seasoning, salt, and pepper.

2. Line a medium, round bottomed colander with one layer of cheese cloth or a clean dish towel. Put the tofu mixture in colander and fold remaining cheese cloth over the top. Place the colander on a plate (to catch excess water being squeezed out) and put a heavy weight on top. Put in the fridge and press for 2 to 3 hours, or overnight if possible.

3. After pressing and with the tofu still in the colander, scoop out the center, leaving about an inch of tofu around the edges. Place your stuffing in the cavity. Put the tofu mixture you scooped out over the stuffing and press down firmly.

4. Flip the formed turkey on to an oiled cookie sheet, use the excess tofu to form the turkey legs and wings for an added turkey look.

5. Marinade: In a bowl, whisk together all the marinade ingredients. Taste and adjust spices to taste, if necessary. Brush the whole turkey with the marinade.

6. Cook at 350 degrees Fahrenheit about 1-1/2 hours, brushing with marinade every 15 minutes or whenever you remember to.

The turkey can cook for as long as you need it to. Once, I let mine cook all day, basting it about every half hour or so and it turned out great. I usually put it in the oven as I'm starting the rest of the meal. By the time the potatoes and all the veggies are done, the turkey is ready to go.

Serves: 6 or so people

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Bikinis **pffttt**

Ahh swimsuits, bikinis, tankinis, bathing suits, whatever you want to call them they are freaking scary, especially in the cold months of winter with your pasty legs, extra Christmas pounds and desire to hide under as many layers as possible.

To keep myself on track most winters I book a winter holiday to a tropical locale. I know its rough, but it's something I'm willing to do to fight the battle of the bulge. This year we're going to Hawaii, I may have mentioned it a few thousand times. The countdown is on, I have nine weeks for the final push to get bikini ready. Those pictures will last a lifetime!

Its time to start looking at buying some swimsuits. Here is my crazy rule of thumb that I follow without fail,  never try on a bathing suit in the store!!! If I worked at a store that required women to strip down to practically nothing I would install dim lighting, skinny mirrors and serve alcohol, but sadly this is not the case. I've stood in a too small change room, under horrifying fluorescent lights looking at my pale Canadian ass in a swimsuit in January and wanted to cry. I inevitably leave without buying anything. Marketers you are missing out!! So now I pick out one or two, buy them and take them home. Check the return policy but believe me this will save you enough emotional trauma that the trips back and forth to the store are worth it. I also buy swimsuits online. is my favorite web site for bikini's. Just remember you are not going to look like the models, chose a size based upon their sizing charts, be honest with your measurements and when in doubt go up a size.

Here is my other trick, don't try the swimsuits on as soon as you get them home, wait until the next morning when you first wake up and you are feeling slim, put some moisturizer on your pasty skin and try them on. Believe me, the privacy of your own home is much more pleasant than a change room in a mall run by stick figure teenagers who think a stretch mark is the line of sweat they leave on the studio floor after yoga.

If it doesn't fit don't panic. Look at the style, would it look better in a bigger size or is the cut just unflattering? I bought a bikini with boy-shorts...loved the top, but the bottom made my legs looks like two tree trunks. My legs do not look like tree trunks it was the cut of the swimsuit, repeat that! Get a bunch of different styles, find what works for you and stick to it. Get a cute cover up, no t-shirts! This year after talking to the ladies in the office I'm going to try a bandeau top, exciting I know!

Now get out there, or get online and do some shopping. Visualize yourself lounging by the pool looking awesome! And the great thing about going south in the winter, everyone there feels the same way on the first day, pale, puffy and self conscious, by your second day you won't care, you'll be strutting up to the pool bar in your new swimsuit, relaxed, tanned and have no memory of the horrors of swimsuit shopping!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

So you want to run a half marathon!

Me and my running buddy Teresa Hypothermic Half Marathon Jan 2009  Minus 26C Brrrrrr

I ran my first half marathon November 2008 and it was awesome! So awesome in fact that I quickly signed up for three more and ran 4 in 10 months, not recommended if you have my knees. But I digress because I learned my lesson and ran my fifth injury free this fall.

21.1 kilometers, 13 miles for our American friends, yup that is a long way. But here is how my warped mind works, it is my favorite distance to run and my favorite race distance to train for.  I love trying to set a new personal best, I love getting up every Sunday morning and doing all my pre-run rituals and then clocking in the miles. I had one of my best training seasons this past summer, I felt great, the weather was great and I loved it!

A half-marathon is a manageable distance for most people. I only run three days a week when I'm training because as I previously mentioned I have the knees of an 80 year-old. My three runs consist of a fast 8-10km run, sprint intervals varying from 6-10km and a long slower run 16-25km...I do this for 12 weeks and am good to go. Obviously if you can't currently run 16km this is not the program for you, but you could get there!

I read a fantastic book "Run Less, Run Faster" and it completely changed how I train for races of any distance. It's technical and based upon very specific paces and intensity, if you are not interested in tracking your running stats then this is not the book for you, but I love stats so for me and my Garmin 305 this book has made me not only a faster runner but has also reduced my running injuries.  And its tough, if you don't want to run 100 meter sprints over and over then I suggest you look elsewhere. I love a tough cardio challenge so sign me up for a race and I'll do the training, I actually like the weeks of training way more than the actual race.

If you are not interested in becoming a running nerd with your GPS, heart rate monitor, lap top etc then I suggest you look at joining a running club. Every city has one and they offer great coaching tips and group runs, the social aspect of running clubs really helps motivate a lot of people.  I prefer running by myself or with one other person, get me in a group and I start to worry if its to fast or too slow, if everyone is doing ok, Mother Hen I am.

If running a half marathon is on your bucket list then why not look into a spring race and start your training in the new year? I have a few runs on my bucket list:

- Full Marathon in Athens, Greece
- Comrades Ultra Marathon (90km) in South Africa, this race alternates each year from uphill to downhill, I'm not sure which I'd chose, there is a 12 hour cut off!
- San Francisco Nike Women's Half Marathon
- New York City Marathon

What's on your fitness bucket list?

Monday, December 20, 2010


DOMS - Delayed Onset of Muscle Soreness

You know that feeling the day after a tough workout when you can't sit down because your hamstrings and quads are aching so you fall onto the chair? That is DOMS. And today I have DOMS all over the place. So how much is too much and what can you do to help reduce the ache?

Well if you feel like me and even your forearms are aching you probably over did it. A mild soreness shows you pushed yourself and you should feel back to normal in a day or two. The soreness is caused from little microscopic tears in your muscles, and your muscles get stronger as they repair those tears, but you don't want to be so sore you can't maintain your usual activities, like walking. Today I needed someone to help dress me.

There's no way to know just how sore you are going to be one workout from the next. Sometimes I give it everything I have and the next day feel fine, other times I give it everything and can barely move the next day. But you will notice if you are a runner and you add sprint intervals your quads will be sore, if you increase the weight for your training, you will be sore etc. Doing the same old thing will not challenge your muscles, train to muscle failure!

To reduce DOMS be sure to rest after a workout, ideally 48-72 hours between strength training, if you like to train most days of the week do legs one day upper body the next. I do a "push/pull" program where I train all my pulling muscles one day, ie back, biceps, glutes, hamstrings, core and the next day all the pushing muscles; chest, shoulders, triceps, quads, calves, core and then a rest day.

If you are sore, rest, do light activities, don't try to muscle through a workout you will feel 100x worse the next day and may injure yourself. Soak in an epsom salt bath, do gentle stretching, be sure to refuel after your workout. REST!!

Saturday, December 18, 2010

What body type are you? Meso, Ecto, Endo?

I once read an article that showed 10 different women all at the same weight but they ranged in height from 4'11" to 5'10" and sizes 0 - 18.  I thought it was very interesting to see how a number on the scale does not tell the whole story! People come in all shapes and sizes, but most can be placed into a particular category of body type, mesomorph, ectomorph, or endomorph. I'm an endo with a touch of meso! 

mesomorph can be defined in one word: muscular. If you're a meso, your body type is usually the envy of all gym rats because you can increase your muscle size quickly and easily. The well-developed, rectangular shapes of mesomorphs are representative of their thick bones and muscles. (Before you get too excited about this perfect form, keep in mind that being a meso may also mean you have poor flexibility.) If you are a characteristic mesomorph, you have a well-defined chest and shoulders that are both larger and broader than your waistline. Your abdomen is taut and your hips are generally the same width as your shoulders. Your buttocks, thighs, and calves are all toned and defined.
    As muscularly defined, athletic-looking individuals, mesomorphs are full of energy, are physically capable of a lot of activity, and tend to be aggressive athletically. (Usually no couch potatoes in this group.) Although mesomorphs generally store fat evenly all over their bodies, they can become overweight if they are sedentary and consume a high-fat and/or high-calorie diet.
      Craving physical activity and constantly seeking action, the mesomorph makes a great athlete. As a meso, you excel in sports that require great strength, short bursts of energy, and lots of power. Mesos are always popular in gym class and at the playground, because people want mesos on their teams. If you're scouting for body types at your local gym (and who isn't?), you will most likely find your fellow mesos lifting weights and avoiding the cardio equipment like step machines or treadmills.
A one-word description for the ectomorph body type (or ecto, for short) is slim. If you're an ecto, mesomorphs and endomorphs usually don't want to stand next to you. It's not that ectomorphs aren't personable, it's just that you're probably a tall, slender individual who has trouble gaining weight (oh darn!). As you may have guessed, the perfect example of an ecto is a fashion model.

An ectomorph is relatively linear in shape with a delicate build, narrow hips and pelvis, and long arms and legs. As an ecto, your muscle and bone outlines are usually visible (especially if you are an extremely thin ecto), and you normally have less fat and muscle mass than people with other body types. Remember, though, that you probably don't have all the features of a characteristic endomorph, but a blend of features from more than one body type.

Your primary concern as an ectomorph is your frail stature consisting of small bones and joints that have a tendency to be injured easily during sporting activities. You probably won't be the star of your football team or the next champion gladiator. Don't worry — your body type is naturally suited to perform wonderfully in endurance activities. Just remember: Balancing your activities is the key. Like mesomorphs, ectos have a tendency to stick with what they do best, and ectos excel at cardiovascular training. You find balance in your workouts when you do both aerobic and muscle training.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Making me smile!

I started writing this blog for a few reasons, one being I like to talk about nutrition and exercise and since my husband is tired of my ramblings I have turned to strangers, (kidding hun) and the other reason was the small hope that it might inspire a few people to make some changes to become healthier individuals.

It's been amazing to get emails from friends I haven't seen in a long time or even complete strangers saying something in one of my posts struck a cord. Some find my stories amusing and knowing I made someone smile is enough for me. Others may see a familiar story of someone's struggle for years with their weight and my success has encouraged them to take a step towards their own goals. That is just plain awesome!

So what are the things that inspire me to get up at 5am and drag my tired ass to yoga in the dead of winter? To train for weeks to set a new time in a half marathon? To go to kickboxing to have my Sensei torture me with hundreds of kicks?

Well to be honest there are a whole list of things:
- seeing that my efforts encourage others to push a little harder
- the satisfaction of pushing myself pass what I thought were my limits
- the joy I feel after accomplishing a goal knowing only a few short years ago I was unable to come anywhere close to what I'd just achieved
-the fear of that obese monster lurking behind me and knowing how good I feel now and how bad I felt then and how I don't want to go back
- watching friends who thought they weren't capable of trying something new, doing it and succeeding!

Thank you, as always for reading.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Anyone seen my mojo?

Yes a strange picture for this post. 

We all experience times where we feel like we can conquer the world, and other times like we are the world's doormat. So how do you keep the positive momentum going? With New Year's just two weeks away everyone will be feeling the push to make some changes in 2011, and sadly come February most will slide back into old habits. Here are some tricks I use to get and keep the ball rolling.

1. Schedule two rest days per week! If you know you are going to get Tuesday and Friday to relax it makes going to the gym on the other days a bit easier.

2. Pace yourself! Rome wasn't built in a day and neither will your dream ass. Have a plan, stick to it and prepare yourself for at least six weeks before you start seeing changes in the mirror.

3. If you feel like you are in a rut, can't run one more mile on the treadmill, then don't! Try something different, get on the stationary bike, take a class, go outside for a run. Mixing it up will not only help with mental fatigue but will also challenge your body.

1. Pick one thing a week to adjust in your diet! Week one: no soda, week two: no fried foods etc...trying to go from an unhealthy fat laden diet to an all natural organic healthy diet at once is setting yourself up for failure. Take it one step at a had to learn how to walk before you could run, switch to eating whole wheat pasta before trying to make a quinoa black bean loaf with a side of celery root purée (I made that up I have no idea what that is or how to make it).

2. Have dessert, its not going to kill you.  If you want to have a brownie every once in awhile, go ahead! If 90% of your meals are healthy and nutritious having a treat once or twice a week is not a problem. Better yet account for them in your daily calories and no harm will be done to your weight loss program.

3. Eat 5 - 10 servings of fruits and veggies a day...I know it sounds hard but its not and your body will thank you. When you eat healthier you want to behave in a healthier manner. It's pretty easy to eat a cheese burger and lay on the couch, eat a delicious fruit salad and you'll have energy to spare.

1. Remember you? That fun chick from college who could tell the best dirty jokes and dance up a storm when Springsteen came on the radio? Find her! Take some time to just hang out with your girlfriends, gossip, have a glass of wine. You don't have to be Wonder Mom, Super Wife, Ideal Employee 24/7 just go and BE!

2. My favorite line from "Living Your Yoga" by Judith Lasater is "Things are moving at the speed in which they should be." I try to think of this when I am becoming impatient waiting in line, or its taking me longer to finish a task than I thought it would. The trick is to relax, is it really going to matter in the grand scheme of things that it took you 45 minutes to cook dinner rather than the 30 you were planning for? Probably not. We are so focused on seconds and minutes in our society that we often forget that there are 86,400 seconds in a day, if you lose a thousand seconds waiting in line its not that big a deal. Breath, things are moving at the speed in which they should be.

3. If you have a family member or a friend who is a negative energy...let them go. You don't have to have wonderful relationships with everyone. Sometimes friendships run their course, let it go, if it was meant to be it will come back around. Don't stress about it, there is no major confrontation required just pull back. Your time and energy are valuable, focus it on the people who you enjoy.

You only get one ride on this merry-go-round, enjoy it, be your best self, smile. (stepping off my soap box)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Cost of Getting Fit!

So how much does it cost to get fit? Most of you know that I love to exercise, in fact its my favorite pastime, but it comes with a hefty price-tag. Here's a list of everything I've purchased in the name of fitness in 2010...and cheaper options for 2011!

Kickboxing Annual Membership - $750
Yoga classes 2 per week x $14 = $1456
Crossfit sessions - $250
Spinning classes - $100
Sneakers - $160
Cycling shoes - $125
Race registration fees - $200
Yoga wear - $300
Running gear - $300
Sport watch - $50
Protein powder, gels, bars - $500
Equipment for home gym - $775
Misc: water bottles, bike lights, songs on iTunes etc  $200

Grand total: $5116.00!!!!  And I'm sure I'm forgetting some things, like the $575 personal training course and $250 spinning certification course and I'm in over $6,000 to get fit in 2010, $500 a month!

Well things are going to change in 2011! Here is my plan and perhaps it will give you some ideas for cutting your budget in the new year.

Kickboxing membership - expires in March - with the amount of other activities I'm doing now I can only go twice a week so instead of paying $750 a year I'll look at paying the $10 drop in fee and go once  a week to my favorite class - $520 (Saving $230)

Yoga classes - I currently buy classes as I go, but as this is becoming my new activity of choice I will look at paying $120 a month for unlimited classes. $1440 (Savings only $16 but instead of twice a week I can go everyday!)

Spinning classes - I will complete my spinning certification in the new year, so I'll be teaching the classes, double bonus of a workout and a pay cheque! (Saving $100)

Sneakers - I run a lot, I need new shoes at least once a year so no savings on this one...though I will check the annual race weekend merchants tent for any deals (Saving $0)

Cycling Shoes - I don't need another pair in 2011.  (Saving $125)

Race Registration - I will only enter charity races this year and raise enough money to waive my entry fee...get ready to open your wallets! (Saving $200)

Running/Yoga gear - Ok I will stop buying so much, lets say half. And I don't need a new watch. (Saving $350)

Gym Equipment - I now have everything I need...well maybe some more weights (Saving $675)

Most of the other miscellaneous stuff I actually use but perhaps buy more than I need so I'll suck it up and budget for half (Saving $350).

Grand Total for 2011: $2870
OK still not cheap but that is a total savings of over $3000!

What are your plans to get fit in 2011? Have you made a budget? Seeing it all in writing can be an eye opener.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Holiday Gift Ideas for the Fitness Freak!

Some of you are wondering with only a few days until Christmas what to get your favorite blogger so I thought I'd repost this one!  ;)

If you are wondering what to get the Fitness Freak in your life, or maybe a treat for yourself to start the New Year off right here are some gift ideas to make you sweat and smile!

Yoga Mat, Strap and Block

Gift card to a local yoga studio
Sessions at your local Pilates studio
Yoga Mat Bag

Rodney Yee DVD

Yoga Gear


Bike Computer

Heart Rate Monitor

Hydration Pack

Nike + iPod Sport kit

Garmin Forerunner
Membership to a local Running Club

Home Gym:
Workout clothes

TRX suspension training system  Awesome!

Wii Fit

Workout DVDs
Balance Ball


Spa/Massage Gift Certificate
Custom made Nutrition Bars
Magazines: SELF, Fitness, Shape

Gym rat:

Gym Membership
Gift Certificate for a Personal Trainer
iPod with iTunes gift-card
Custom Nike Gym Bag

Feel free to send this to your loved ones, or mine. :)

Monday, December 13, 2010

Baby it's cold get your ass out the door!

Ok I know its winter and for those of us above the 49th parallel it gets pretty cold for at least five months of the year. Instead of hibernating, learn to enjoy all the outdoor activities winter has to offer! There are a few things to take into consideration when heading outside, follow these tips and you'll be toasty and fit all winter long.

What to Wear?

Dress in layers that you can remove as soon as you start to sweat and then put back on as needed. First, put on a thin layer of synthetic material, such as polypropylene, which draws sweat away from your body. Avoid cotton, which stays wet next to your skin. Next, add a layer of fleece or wool for insulation. Top this with a waterproof, breathable outer layer. A heavy down jacket or vest may cause you to overheat if you're exercising hard. If you're lean, you may need more insulation than someone who is heavier. If it's very cold, consider wearing a face mask or scarf to warm the air before it enters your lungs. You may need to experiment before you find a combination of clothing that works well for you based on your exercise intensity. Keep in mind, too, that stop-and-go activities, such as mixing walking with running, can make you more vulnerable to the cold if you repeatedly work up a sweat and then get chilly.

Protect your hands, feet and ears!
When it's cold, blood flow is concentrated on your body's core, leaving your hands and feet vulnerable to frostbite. Try wearing a thin pair of gloves under a pair of heavier gloves or mittens lined with wool or fleece. Don the mittens or gloves before your hands become cold and then remove them if your hands begin to sweat. Considering buying exercise shoes a half-size or one size larger than usual to allow for thick thermal socks or an extra pair of regular socks. And don't forget a hat or headband to protect your ears, which also are vulnerable to frostbite.

Pay attention to weather conditions and wind chill
Exercising when it's cold and raining can make you more vulnerable to the cold. If you get soaked, you may not be able to keep your core body temperature high enough, and layering won't help if your clothes are wet. If it's extremely cold, you may need to take your exercise indoors or skip it for a day or two. Wind chill extremes can make exercising outdoors unsafe even if you dress warmly. The wind can penetrate your clothes and remove the insulating layer of warm air that surrounds your body, and any exposed skin is vulnerable to frostbite. If the temperature dips well below 0 F (-17.8 C) or the wind chill is extreme, consider taking a break or choosing an indoor activity instead, or take extra precautions if you choose to exercise outdoors anyway.

Choose appropriate gear
If it's dark when you exercise outside, wear reflective clothing. To stay steady on your feet, choose footwear with enough traction to prevent falls, especially if it's icy or snowy. Wear a helmet while skiing, snowboarding and snowmobiling. Consider using chemical heat packs to warm up your hands or feet.

Wear Sunscreen
It's as easy to get sunburned in winter as in summer — even more so if you're exercising in the snow or at high altitudes. Wear a sunscreen that blocks both UVA and UVB rays and has an SPF of at least 30. Use a lip balm that contains sunscreen. And protect your eyes from snow and ice glare with dark glasses or goggles.

Head into the wind
If possible, do the second half of your workout with the wind at your back. This way, you're less likely to get chilled, especially if you've worked up a sweat. This may take some planning of your exercise route before you head out the door.

Drink plenty of fluids
You need to stay well hydrated when exercising in cold weather just as you do when exercising in warm weather. Drink water or sports drinks before, during and after your workout, even if you're not really thirsty. You can become just as dehydrated in the cold as in the heat from sweating, breathing and increased urine production, but it may be harder to notice during cold weather.

Know the signs of frostbite and hypothermia
Frostbite is most common on exposed skin, such as your cheeks, nose and ears, but it also can occur on hands and feet. Early warning signs include numbness, loss of feeling or a stinging sensation. If you suspect frostbite, get out of the cold immediately and slowly warm the affected area — but don't rub it since that can damage your skin. If numbness continues, seek emergency care. Exercising in cold, rainy weather increases the risk of hypothermia, as does being an older adult. Hypothermia signs and symptoms include intense shivering, slurred speech, loss of coordination and fatigue. Seek emergency help right away for possible hypothermia.

These tips can help you safely — and enjoyably — exercise when the weather turns chilly. But as you exercise during cold weather, continually monitor how your body feels to help prevent cold-weather injuries, such as frostbite. Consider shortening your outdoor workout or skipping it altogether during weather extremes, and know when to head home and warm up. Also, be sure to let someone know your exercise route and your expected return time, in case something does go wrong.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

OMG It's a Christmas miracle!!

Tonight is our annual staff Christmas party, always a good time but of course always requiring a new dress! Oh the demands of a wannabe fashionista.  In my continued hopes of becoming more financially responsible I vowed this year to not buy a new dress, why when I have two in my closet I've never worn! I have a very bad habit, buying clothes without trying them on, it's genetic my sisters all do it too.

These dresses I bought a couple of years ago and I discovered when I got home they were too small. And by too small I mean I couldn't shimmy them down over my hips with the help of a shoe horn and a jar of Vaseline. So they were relegated to the back of my closet to the "Someday They'll Fit" section. This is a fun little section, there are these dresses, a couple pairs of jeans, a beautiful suit jacket...ahhh someday.

Last weekend as I was contemplating the Christmas Party and looking through my dresses from previous years, wondering which I would recycle, I peered into the back of my closet and saw those two dresses begging me to take them for a spin on the dance floor.

So with much trepidation I tried the first one on, a funky black and grey sleeveless number which resembled a sausage casing on previous fittings. I pulled it over my head and down over my hips...SWEET BABY JESUS IT FIT!!! I almost burst into tears. I walked stunned into the other room to show my husband..who of course never saw my previous attempts to stuff myself into this dress. His reply  "That's a nice dress." pitter patter goes my heart.

Dare I attempt the second dress? Maybe I should quit while I was ahead. This dress is a sequined long sleeve black minidress, Stacey London would frown at someone over 35 wearing a mini but she can bite me. I pulled it from the closet and paused...the thing about sequins is they reflect light, which reflect every bump, bulge and jiggle. So I took a deep breath and pulled it on over my head, pulled it down over my stomach, over my thighs....SWEET BABY JESUS 2 IT FIT!!!!

So now I have a new dilemma which I am very happy to have, which one shall I wear?

Hold on to your dreams folks and apparently your old clothes, they may fit one day! woohoo!!

Friday, December 10, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

I'm not a big fan of New Year's Resolutions, I think they create unrealistic expectations and start the year off with a sense of dread for a lot of people. If you want to lose weight, quit smoking, start running etc pick a date and work toward it. If you are committed to January 1, 2011 as your day to make some changes then have a plan!

I have started many of my quests to become healthier on March 28, one week after my birthday and I'm happy to report I have stuck to them all. I joined the gym for the first time on March 28 and I quit smoking almost six years ago on March 28. The point is no matter what the date you need to work toward it.

If your resolution is to join a gym in January you need to start doing your research now! Visit the gym at the time you plan on going regularly, there is nothing worse than visiting a gym on a quiet Sunday afternoon to then go at 5pm on a Monday and see there are not enough treadmills or the fitness classes are all full, set time in your agenda for time to go to the gym, make sure you have the proper attire and by the time your start date arrives you are prepared and can hit the ground running.

If your goal is to lose 10lbs, make a plan. How are you going to lose those pounds, are you adding exercise, if so what type and how often? Are you aware of how many calories you need to consume to lose weight? What is your goal weight, how did you come up with that number?  Here are three links that can help:

Setting your ideal weight:

Setting how many calories you need:

Getting Started:

If you are planning on ringing in 2011 like it's 1999 (those of us who were teenagers in the 80's will get that one) then might I suggest you not attempt to start your fitness quest on January 1! Plan to be hungover, you will feel crapulous (like crap after a fabulous evening) and won't want to do anything physical. Take January 1 to watch the Biggest Loser marathon on TV and start January 2 rested, refreshed and ready to roll!