Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Having a "fat" day *pfft*

We all have those days where we feel fat, puffy, bloated, like you'd rather chew on tinfoil than put on a pair of jeans. They make me want to curl up on the couch in my elastic waistband pj's and watch tv all day! Its so easy to throw in the towel, grab something sweet and wallow in my own misery, yes a pity party of one!

So what to do when you wake up feeling like the Michelin Man?

Take a minute and be realistic, you are probably just retaining water, so it may seem counter intuitive but the best thing to do is drink more water, your body will discard the excess and before you know it you will be feeling better.

Exercise! When you exercise your body releases endorphins which make you feel better. So as much as you don't want to drag your sorry ass off the couch, do it!

Stick to your healthy diet! When you are feeling in the dumps the first thing you want to do is eat garbage (see what I did there? funny stuff), but you must resist! Eat something healthy you will feel better!

When I feel like my belly has puffed out like Santa's I go into Mania 2.0, I've gained weight, why did I eat that, all that exercise was for nothing!!!!....until I've spun myself into a real frenzy!  So just stop! Maybe you don't feel great because you ate something a bit fibrous yesterday and you are bloated, too much salt perhaps?hitting it too hard at the gym and the muscles are retaining fluid?

Try to little orphan Annie said "The sun will come out tomorrow!"...and your jeans will fit.

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