Sometimes we need to play little mind games with ourselves to get out the door to the gym, to finish a run, to finish one more set. Like a mad scientist I have a little arsenal of tricks I use when I'm losing my motivation.
Getting to the Gym: I list my workouts on a calendar on the fridge each month, as I complete them I mark them off like a convict counting down the days, if I miss a workout I have to make it up, no excuses, when I look at the calendar and see the days ticking down and the number of workouts left it gets me out the door because I do not want to finish the month with only half the workouts marked off. Make it a competition with yourself.
Picking Up the Pace: When I'm out for a run or in a race and I know I need to pick up the pace I start picking people off like a sniper. I'll zone in on someone ahead of me and work my hardest to pass them, then I pick another and another. Before you know it you look down at your Garmin and you've picked your pace up considerably.
Finishing a Run: If I'm struggling to finish a run I make myself run for one more song, I scroll through my playlist until I find my favorite song and run until its over, then I do it again.
Lifting that $*@+% Barbell One More Time: Find a workout buddy, my friend Karen is crazy fit and we do Crossfit together, my goal is to beat her on weight and time. I'll get there. If you don't have a buddy who is interested in weight lifting then go to the gym, stand in the weight room and feed off the energy of the guys in there moving some serious weight. Guys love seeing girls lift weights, no offense boys but you are still closer to cavemen then we are, so get in there and when you think you can't lift one more time, do it! Then flex and kiss your guns. (ok maybe leave that part out)
Get Pissed Off! When I'm doing a tough workout and I'm struggling I let myself get really pissed off. I swear, grunt, whatever I need to do to get my energy up. Now I don't take it into Crazy Town where other people are looking at me, but if I'm with my Crossfit trainer Kenny I will flip him the bird, he just laughs, which of course pisses me off even more and before you know it I'm finishing that last round of burpees or swinging that damn kettlebell until my arms fall off.
Buy a Celebrity: Somedays I just don't feel like doing my workout, I look at my program for the day and it might as well be written in sanskrit, I am not interested. On those days I throw in a workout DVD and let someone else tell me what to do for 30-45 minutes. My favorite celebrity trainers are Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper, Rodney Yee and Jackie Warner. Check out their DVD's, you can get them all on Amazon for around $15 each.
Step to the Front of the Class: I've mentioned before that I take kickboxing classes, they are high impact and a lot of fun. Somedays I show up to the dojo and I am lacking the energy to do 100 roundhouse kicks, so I go to the front of the class knowing I'll have people watching me so I better pick it up. Usually by the time we're ten minutes into class my energy is back.
No more excuses! Have a great workout.
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