Friday, January 21, 2011

It's about that time...

By the end of January in the Great White North we start to get a little excited, as the hours of daylight are getting longer and even though its in the -20C's into February, spring is starting to make its way into our thoughts. This is the time of year I start planning my race many will I do, what distance, etc. I had to take most of 2010 off due to a knee injury but I'm feeling great so figure its time to make a plan.

What are your fitness plans for 2011? I like to take my focus off the scale every now and again and turn it to a fitness goal like running faster, a longer distance or signing up for a race I've never done before. To be honest I love developing a new running program for myself, I love going for a long run on Sunday mornings along the Ottawa River, I love pumping out sprint repeats until my quads feel like they are made of cement. I highly recommend mapping out a program whether its for a 5km, 10km, half or full marathon. Seeing it on paper takes the focus off the final distance and shows how you can properly build up to any distance.

My goals this year are to run a 5km in under 23 minutes, run a 10km in under 55 minutes, beat my half-marathon time (2:10)...and put my name in for the New York City Marathon again, and if I get in throw up. The New York City Marathon has an entry lottery (unless you are a celebrity you can only get in if you qualify at another marathon, as part of a running charity or entering the lottery), after entering four consecutive years you are automatically in, 2012 I'll be running it. Sorry I had to go throw up.

Time to do some race research. Happy running folks!

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