Monday, January 3, 2011

Bucket List

Its the start of another year, time to reflect on the year that's passed, and look forward to the possibilities for the year ahead. Most people make resolutions for the new year which typically get discarded by February first. So how about instead of beating yourself up about another failed attempt to lose weight, quit smoking, organize your closets, you look at the big picture. I'm taking the end of 2010 as the time to write my bucket list, the list of things I want to accomplish before I die. It seems morbid at first but really I think it puts things into perspective. Maybe looking at the things you want to accomplish over the next 20, 30, 50 years it will put the goals you want to achieve now in a new light. If one of your bucket list items is to navigate the Amazon River than quitting smoking will make that adventure much more accessible physically. Give it a try, think big, you might be surprised to see what dreams you've always had but suppressed over the years.

My Bucket List
- run a marathon
- visit Italy
- visit Greece
- live in France
- make my own schedule
- climb Mt. Kilimanjaro
- take my husband on a tour of Newfoundland
- master crow pose
- write a book
- spend a month in Paris

What does your list look like?

1 comment:

  1. Master crow pose is on mine too! I curse that damn thing every time I try it!


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