Monday, January 17, 2011

How's Your New Year's Resolution Going?

Did you make a New Year's Resolution? We're only 17 days into 2011 and statistically speaking most people will have already fallen off the proverbial wagon. So how do you get back on track?

If the promise you made to yourself was to quit smoking and you woke up January first hungover, craving junk food, a nap and a Tylenol the size of your head then I'm sure before the end of the day you caved and had a cigarette...did you throw in the towel or try again the next day? If you promised to lose those last ten pounds and  binged on a cheesecake last week, did you throw in the towel or did you vow to try harder the next day?

I don't make New Year's Resolutions, I make resolutions throughout the year and I make a detailed plan on how I am going to reach that goal. On September 20th I created a new fitness plan for myself with the goal of completing every workout and to lose 16 pounds before our trip to Hawaii this February. I wanted to finally have vacation photos where I wasn't sucking anything in, worried that I was going to have to crop all the full body shots and really wanted to look and feel my best. On Saturday I started week 16 of my 20 week program and a package of bikinis from Victoria Secret had arrived, I didn't even wait until the next morning when I would feel my thinnest, I decided to try them on then and there, post dinner in all my puffy goodness. I tried those bikinis on and much to my surprise I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw in the mirror, I was down 14lbs, had increased my weight training and could really see the difference.  I was pumped! With four weeks to go I have no doubt I'll reach my goal, I'll lose 16lbs, complete all my workouts and look good doing it. 

I want you to feel this, its unbelievable. Set a goal now and make a plan on how you are going to get there. My Sept 20th Resolution will be complete on Feb 12 when I go to Hawaii, when I get back I will make another one and make a plan to achieve it, maybe it will be fitness related, maybe not, but I know now I can do it. 

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