Tuesday, November 23, 2010

You Are Stressing Me Out!!

I don't know about you but I am a stress eater. When things start to get a little hectic at work or I feel overwhelmed I seek refuge in something sweet...mmmmm brownies.  Some people completely lose their appetites when stressed, I envy them.  Kidding! But I digress, stress on any level is unhealthy!

The facts of what stress does to the body:

Cortisol is a hormone produced in the adrenal cortex. When we are stressed we produce more cortisol than our body requires, and it doesn't have to be work stress, it can be physical, emotional, chemical.  Increased cortisol is linked to weight gain, particularly around the abdomen and to a suppressed immune system.

There are a number of stages the body goes through when reacting to stress.  First the body identifies the stressful situation and releases cortisol into the body, as the cortisol moves through the body the stressful reaction dissipates and you feel a return to a normal state. Meanwhile your adrenal glands remain enlarged and continue to release cortisol, if you remain in a stressed state for an extended period of time your body reaches a level of exhaustion and you may physically crash. Have you ever noticed after a particularly stressful period in your life you seem to catch a cold, or after training very hard for a long period of time you suddenly can't shake the flu?  This is because your body is stressed and it has weakened overtime. Extreme stress for extended periods of time can lead to the physical shut down of organs, cardiovascular ailments and even death.

If you are trying to reach a fitness goal there are a few things to keep in mind;

- Your body needs rest to repair and heal muscle damage. Listen to your body, if you feel tired take a rest day, if you are struggling to get through a workout you are probably over-trained, physical exhaustion will lead to injury, rest does not mean you are lazy it means you are training wisely. Stress on your body due to exercise releases cortisol the same as if you are in an emotionally stressful situation.
- If you are experiencing emotional stress due to an unhappy home life, a crazy work schedule etc you are less likely to be taking care of yourself, eating healthfully, exercises and getting an adequate amount of sleep.  Speak with a health care professional on ways to alleviate stress in your life.

- Learn healthy ways to cope with stress. Exercise releases endorphins in the body creating a sense of wellbeing and happiness. Meditation, yoga and Thai Chi are also helpful tools to deal with stress.

Reminder: If you are feeling stressed you should speak with your doctor to learn proper tools to manage stress and maintain your health.


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