Friday, November 26, 2010

Time Savers

Time is a very valuable commodity, we all wish we had more so we could prepare healthy meals for our families every night of the week but sometimes we need to grab what is quick.  Here are a few of my time saving tips that I hope with relieve some meal planning stress in your house.

When you go to the grocery store think convenience, if I hear one more person complain that they can't afford to buy healthy food I will scream.  The average American spends only 13% of their household income on food, 57% of that will be spent on groceries, the rest is on convenience food, take-out, drive-through, restaurants etc.  So lets assume your household income after the dreaded tax man takes his cut is $75,000 a year, you will spend $5,557 at the grocery store and $4,193 for food which is most likely unhealthy and full of fat and sodium! (ref: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Tip #1: Shop the perimeter of the grocery store where the healthy foods are.  
Tip #2: Buy as many pre-cut, individually sized items as possible.

Grocery List:
 - pre-made salads (no dressing, just vegetables)
 - pre-cut vegetables
- skinless, boneless chicken breast
 - fruit (nature makes them in serving sizes)
- individually sized cheese and yogurts
- small whole wheat tortillas
- whole wheat pasta
 - salsa
- low sodium broth
- low sodium canned tomatoes
- low sodium tomato sauce
- canned beans... get a variety
- frozen vegetables
- brown rice

Tip #3: Take some time on the weekend before you go to the grocery store to plan your meals for the week. 

Tip #4: Think about making large quantities that you can freeze and have on hand when you are running late.

One Week Menu:

Monday - Chili served on salad (make a big pot)

Tuesday - Burritos (fill whole wheat tortillas with chili, salad mix and salsa, serve with a side of veggies, freeze remaining chili)

Wednesday - Asian Inspired Soup

Thursday - Whole wheat pasta with sauce (add pre cut veggies to tomato sauce, serve with salad)

Friday - Chicken Stir-fry (make extra!) - cook sliced chicken breast add precut veggies and seasonings, serve on brown rice

Saturday - Quesadillas - add stir-fry mixture to whole wheat tortilla, top with salsa and cheese fold over tortilla and bake for 10-15 mins at 350F, serve with salad

Sunday - Baked Chicken with brown rice and veggies (cook extra chicken which you can serve on Monday in wraps or on a salad)

Bon Appetit!

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