Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wipe off your #&*%^*% machine!

I think as newbies at a gym we all make some rookie mistakes, so if you look like you just stumbled through the door I'll cut you some slack.  The rest of you need a wake-up call.

Top 10 Most Irritating Gym Behaviours:

1. Get your ass off the weight machine between sets!  For the love of God! You should be resting 60-90 seconds between most weight training sets, 60-90 seconds is ample time for someone else to jump on and do a set.  Besides walking around will increase blood and oxygen flow to your muscles which will help your recovery.

2. Wipe your filthy sweat off the machine! Grab a towel and wipe, its not difficult.

3. Put your weights back on the rack in the correct order!  There is nothing worse than having to hunt along the rack looking for the correct weights. Come on now 5, 8, 10, 12 see a pattern?

4. It's 5pm, you have 30 minutes on the treadmill 30 MINUTES!!! If you want to spend an hour on the treadmill come to the gym at 8pm there won't be a line-up.

5. Don't slam the weights together!  It's annoying, stop it!

6. If I am a woman in the weight room it is not an open invitation to all the muscleheads to come over and help me with my form. I know what I'm doing so back off!
7. Step class is tricky, if I accidentally end up on your stepper please know it was not intentional.

8. Gentlemen please keep your shirts on, no matter how ripped your chest and abs are I don't want to see your armpits when you are doing a shoulder press.

9.  Be nice to the gym staff, they get paid very little and have to wash your dirty towels.

10. When you get out of the shower look behind you before you bend over to reach into your gym bag, I don't want your bare ass brushing me.


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